Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Indian Ocean Trade Essay
During the time period between 300 CE and 1450 CE the Indian Ocean Trade was consistent of its spread of goods, religion, and the growth of trade route under different empires. On the other hand, the significant changes were the ways of trade, diffusion of religion, and empires controlling the trade route. Economically, the Indian Ocean Trade stayed the same in the way of spreading goods, but changed in the means of trading. Around the fifth century CE long- distant trade by land was mostly used. Trade of exotic products for the elite, such as; silk, spices, and gems, were spread all throughout the trade network and were incorporated into local markets. This is because there were new markets being built and goods spread. Methods of trade changed for the better. Land travel was no longer the only method of transporting goods. Ships in the thirteenth century could only travel by monsoon winds. With the introduction of maneuverable sails, ships like the dhow and junk were able to move goods under many wind conditions. This helped a great deal because the people would not have to wait as long for the delivery of trade goods. Culturally, the Indian Ocean Trade was consistent in the spread of religion and ideas, a change was the diffusion of cultures by religion. The Muslims were a prime example of this continuity. They were a big religion, and as their merchants traded, their religion spread as well. On the other hand, Islam is a great example of the change. Islam came into regions that didn’t have a big religious base. As people converted, their old culture diffused. From this, regions lost their identity because people were converting, whether it was by force of new leaders or by choice. Politically, a continuity of the Indian Ocean Trade is growing while under different empires, and a change in which empires controlled the trade network. An example of the continuity would be the Mongols, how they made trade much easier and made it grow. Many merchants benefited from the Yuan Dynasty, around the fourteenth century. This ties to the change, because from 300 CE to 1450 CE there were different empires, such as, Sui and Tang Dynasty, Swahili States, Mongols, and Islamic Caliphates. The different empires made trade grow and spread. As the empires grew the routes changed, connecting trade routes to the; Trans- Sahara, Silk Road, South Asian, and Mediterranean routes. During 300 CE and 1450 CE changes involving the Indian Ocean included how goods were transported, cultures were diffused due to new religions, and the empires that controlled. Trade on the Indian Ocean steadily increased the spread of goods and religion even though it was controlled by different empires.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Early to Bed
Early to Bed April 17th 2013 Section 1 It’s not unusual you can hear the floorboards creak, the toilet flush, and the sound of the first one shoe drop to the floor from your neighbor at 1 a. m. in your apartment, and you may be one of them. Nowadays many people stay up late, especially for those people who have variable sleep schedules, such as university students. University students usually change their sleep schedules due to studying, working for a living, or working for social networking (e. g. alcohol and caffeine consumption). Staying up late usually leads to insufficient sleep, and this situation is prevalent among university students. According to a survey done by Leon C. Lack Ph. D. in the journal â€Å"Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students†, â€Å"A sample of 211 university first-year psychology students†¦ accounted for about 50% of the total enrollment in the course†¦ about 50% of the sample complained of insufficient sleep and estima ted needing about half an hour more sleep on the average to feel rested. (Lakc, 2010) Moreover, the author also realized the linkage between staying up late and the insufficient sleep, â€Å"Delayed sleep pattern presumably arises from a delay in their endogenous biological rhythms that creates difficulty in falling asleep early enough to get sufficient sleep before necessary weekday morning awakening. †(Lakc, 2010) Both delayed sleep and insufficient sleep can cause serious healthy issues, and also affect one’s working productivity. Based on the Journal named â€Å"Pathways to adolescent health sleep regulation and behavior†by Ronald E Dahl, M. D. â€Å"There is mounting evidence that sleep deprivation has its greatest negative effects on the control of behavior, emotion, and attention†¦ the most obvious direct health consequences of insufficient sleep are high-risk behaviors associated with substance abuse and automobile accidents. †(Dahl, 2002) Delayed sleep may harass one’s circadian rhythm, and further lead to delayed sleep phase disorder. Insufficient sleep may cause emotional fluctuation, which further affect your social networking relationships since being tired usually means being grumpy. Students usually think that they are more productive at night, owever the truth is opposite. Humans aren’t used to saying up late, in the optimal situation, based on an article from CNN Health, â€Å"we rise in the morning and after about 16 hours of wakefulness we are sleepy and we go to bed and sleep for eight hours†(Shives, 2010) Staying up simply means we use our brains so intensively even when our brains are ready for a rest. During the weekdays, delayed sleep and insufficient sleep make us feel tired in the daytime, and it is difficult for students to be concentrated in classes, then further affect students’ academic performances.The benefits of sleeping early are obvious. Going to bed early helps us maintain the order of circadian rhythm and ensures the quality of sleep at night. Based on Dahl’s journal, â€Å"Sleep appears to be particularly important during periods of brain maturation. †(Dahl, 2002) Sleeping is the process of restoring our brain, we would be more productive, concentrated, and confident in our work during daytime. Sleeping early means we can have more time in the morning. Changing and maintain sleep schedule is a continuous process. It is impossible to accomplish all the changes overnight.In order to successfully switch sleep schedule to optimal situation, we should be aware the healthy issues derived from delayed sleep, identify a target behavior with a personal research, set achievable and incremental goals as time goes by, and finally reward your success. Section 2 As a junior-year university student at business school, both my academic and personal life have been busy, being productive is one of the major factors that let me survive. I o ften stayed up late to get work done since I thought sacrificing sleep created more time for work, and then I could keep abreast of my schedule.However, things just went contrary to my wishes. First of all, staying up shorted my sleep time, which led to insufficient sleep time. Then I had to use coffee to fight for fatigue and tiredness, but my productivity still kept low during classes. In order to catch up what I left during the classes, I had to spend more time to study outside. After I finished all my homework, it was usually around 1 a. m. , but the drag effect of caffeine kept me waking up at that time. My daily life was a vicious spiral and I found my body reactions slowed down physically and mentally, my motion was under the weather and even affected the relationship with my girlfriend. Therefore, the main reason I’ve chosen to sleep early is increasing my productivity and getting rid of fatigue and tiredness without caffeine. In order to optimize my sleep schedule, I organized a three-stage target schedule: The first stage (3/30 to 4/15), I went to bed at 12:00 a. m. and woke up as usual; the second stage (4/15 to 4/30), I went to bed at 12:00 a. m. and woke up half an hour early as usual; the third stage (After 4/30), I went to bed at 11:00 p. m. and woke up one hour early.Half a month has passed, even though I am in the second stage, but I do have some progresses that benefit for my daily life. Setting a fixed time to go to bed forces me to manage my time more effectively. Most importantly, sleeping early gives me more energy in daytime, and now I can keep my brain working without caffeine even I wake up half an hour early than before. My productivity is improving, and the biggest change is I can keep myself on the same page with professor in lectures simply because I have enough energy to think more and interact mentally.Nevertheless, things won’t change overnight, and I do encounter some difficulties during my behavior changing. So f ar, the biggest challenge has been my habit of staying up in my sub-consciousness. During weekdays, as long as my schedule gets crowded, I will have the intent to delay sleep time out of habit even those tasks are not urgent; in weekends, parties are attractive for me and most of them last until late night. Be honest, I did not meet my short-term goal three times so far. Reaching my ultimate goal is not easy, and I am implementing some strategies hopefully to keep myself on the right track.First of all, I believe separating my plan into three short-term stages makes my plan as a continuous improvement that is easier to accomplish and encourages me to proceed; second, finding a change agent is important. My girlfriend is my change agent, and she has helped me to act with the criteria I set closely. One advantage of choosing my girlfriend as the agent is I have to listen to her order because I do not want to piss her off. Even though I’ve not reached my ultimate goal yet, some potential long-term benefits can be observed.First and foremost, I will be more productive in my academic performance. Sleeping early provides my body an optimal circadian rhythm which gives me a high quality and sufficient sleep at night. Consequently, I will have abundant of energy to handle my busy university life. Moreover, sufficient energy will enable me to balance my academic life and personal life more reasonably, and then I will have a great passion to maintain my private relationship with my girlfriend and my social networking.Last but not least, sufficient sleep will give me a healthy life that will be the upmost foundation for my body health in my future life. Section 3 By reviewing my journal entries for the past half a month, in sum, I did follow my stage short-term target in weekdays. Meeting the short-term target in each stage is easier in weekdays because my class schedule is relatively fixed. Nevertheless, meeting the target in weekends has been the difficult part. As I mentioned in the last section, attending parties held in weekends last late made me out of my planned track.Moreover, since I was used to stay up late for a long time, sometimes I still consider staying up is a way to relax myself. As for the change of emotional process, at the very beginning, I even felt anxious when I went to bed without completing my tasks as usual, and this emotion hindered me to fall asleep. Fortunately, as I reorganized my tasks priority corresponding to my early to bed plan, and that anxious emotion has no longer been a problem. Below is a snapshot of my tracking chart.Cells with yellow filling indicate weekend days, and times in red font indicate failing fulfillments. Works Cited Lakc, L. C. (2010). Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students. Journal of American College Health , 105. Dahl, R. E. (2002). Pathways to adolescent health sleep regulation and behavior. Journal of Adolescent Hleath , 10-11. Shives, L. (2010, 11 30). Get Some Sleep: A re you a night owl? Here's why. Retrieved 4 17, 2013, from CNN Health: http://thechart. blogs. cnn. com/2010/11/30/get-some-sleep-night-owl-its-a-real-condition/
Crime in Detroit
Crime in Detroit For many years Detroit, Michigan has been known as the murder capital of the world. stats show that In 2012 Detroit had the highest rate of violent crimes over any other city In the united States. Crime around the city Is not only committed by the residents but also by local police officials and government officials. These are the people that took a vow to serve and protect us. But we have to protect ourselves from them. There has been crimes of racism, take for instance in 1992, two white police fficers named Walter Budzyn and Larry Nevers beat to death an African American man. amed Malice Green, with a flashlight. It was said that it was a routine traffc stop in which Green was driving, but everyone in Detroit knew that Malice Green was homeless and did not have a car. Green refused to open his hand and give the police the vile of crack that he was holding. For that he paid the ultimate price with his life. He was struck 14 times in the head with the police flashlg ht. Both officers were charged with involuntary manslaughter. Nevers received 4 years and Budzyn eceived 41/2 years.On the other hand in that same year my brother an Atrican American male accidentally killed a white woman while playing with a gun. He got the same Involuntary manslaughter charge and did 17 years. Maxing out his sentence. Each time he was up for parole he was denied. Eventually they Just has to let him go. Another incident of crime In Detroit was committed by a Government official. Kwame Kilpatrick was the mayor of Detroit from 2002 until he was forced to resign due to a plea deal in 2008. He was Involved in the citys largest corruption scandal ver.He, his best friend, and his father stole over 83 million dollars from the city. Hence the reason that the city is bankrupt today. He did everything from mail fraud which is a scheme to get money from people through the mail. wire fraud, something like mail fraud, racketeering, he was using the mayors palace as a place for prostitutes and was throwing wild parties there. He was also charged with obstruction and a list of other charges. Each of the 29 charges that he got can receive up toa 15 year sentence. He will be sentenced on October 13, 2013.So as you can see from those two examples crime is a big problem for the city of Detroit. It doesn't matter it its law enforcement or government officials. Crime is crime and It Is still going to be committed. By icheat4u world. Stats show that in 2012 Detroit had the highest rate of violent crimes over any other city in the United States. Crime around the city is not only committed by the man, named Malice Green, with a flashlight. It was said that it was a routine traffic He was struck 14 times in the head with the police flashlight.Both officers were received 41/2 years. On the other hand in that same year my brother an African same involuntary manslaughter charge and did 17 years. Maxing out his sentence. Another incident of crime in Detroit was committed by a Government official. due to a plea deal in 2008. He was involved in the citys largest corruption scandal which is a scheme to get money from people through the mail, wire fraud, something Detroit. It doesn't matter if its law enforcement or government officials. Crime is crime and it is still going to be committed.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Critical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Critical analysis - Essay Example Though the report does not categorically answer each and ever question that are raised by it, however, it lays to rest some of the confusions/misconceptions regarding the â€Å"emoting†of the Britons. This report is skilfully written and the arguments that are used are very well put, however, it is noted that the topic of this report is not that contentious to begin with. There are no differing views, as such, possible to this report. It is not a double-ended question that this report is attempting to answer, but it merely puts forward questions regarding the emotional status of the Britons and then answers those in the light of the results of the research carried out. The research report is targeted at all Britons, and intends to improve our familiarity and perception concerning our emotional state. The language used is pretty simple and easy to understand, and does not require any specialised knowledge in any field to comprehend. It is a good read for anyone who is curious about the matter. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the targeted audience of this research paper is not merely sociologists or other specialised professionals. The report is mainly concerned with its own findings and is focused on those only. There has been little use of past research, with the only other research paper that is mentioned being research conducted by SIRC in 2004, The Kleenex for Men Crying Game Report: A study of men and Crying. Other than this fairly recent report, there has been no use of any research papers and/or reports in this document. The findings of this research themselves are the main topic for discussion. The report is quite well written and the results are presented in a very systematic yet interesting way. Graph figures are used to display the findings of the research. As emotional behaviour is often considered to be different in both the sexes, therefore,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Theories of Cognitive Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Theories of Cognitive Development - Essay Example He named the stages according to the possible outcomes. Stages 5 to 8 explain the transition from childhood through death. During adolescence as explained in stage 5, children are becoming more independent, and begin to look at the future. During this period, they explore possibilities and begin to form their own identity based upon the outcome of their explorations. In young adulthood, people face the challenge of developing intimate relationships with others. Based on stage 6, if they do not succeed, they may become isolated and lonely. In stage 7, during young adulthood, people face the challenge of developing intimate relationships with others. If they do not succeed, they may become isolated and lonely. In old age, explained in stage 8, people examine their lives. They may either have a sense of contentment or be disappointed about their lives and fearful of the future. Leaders therefore should know how to provide the proper recognition to their subordinates to motivate them and it should be dynamic since needs differ with age. Jean Piaget's Formal Operational Stage of Cognitive Development. Jean Piaget conducted a program of naturalistic research that has profoundly affected our understanding of child development. He called his general theoretical framework genetic epistemology because he was primarily interested in how knowledge developed in human organisms. The concept of cognitive structure is central to his theory (Piaget, 1985). Cognitive structures are patterns of physical or mental action that underlie specific acts of intelligence and correspond to stages of child development. The formal operational stage begins at approximately age twelve and lasts into adulthood. During this time, people develop the ability to think about abstract concepts. He believes that deductive logic becomes important during the formal operational stage. Deductive logic requires the ability to use a general principle to determine a specific outcome. According to him, while children tend to think very concretely and specifi cally in earlier stages, the ability to think about abstract concepts emerges during the formal operational stage. Instead of relying solely on previous experiences, children begin to consider possible outcomes and consequences of actions. During the formal operational stage, he asserts that the ability to systematically solve a problem in a logical and methodical way emerges. It is therefore a guide for leaders that problem solving skills should be developed because it yields more efficient subordinates. Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development. Lawrence Kohlberg focused on moral development and has proposed a stage theory of moral thinking which goes well beyond Piaget's initial formulations (Kohlberg, 1971). In stage 1, the child assumes that powerful authorities hand down a fixed set of rules which he or she must unquestioningly obey. In stage 2 children recognize that there is not just one right view that is handed down by the authorities. Different individuals have different viewpoints. Since everything is relative, each person is free to pursue his or her individual interests. Within stage 3, children see morality as more than simple deals. They believe that people should live up to the expectations of the family and community and behave in good ways. In stage 4 the emphasis is on obeying laws, respecting
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Struggle for Womens Vote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Struggle for Womens Vote - Essay Example P. 15, John Smart (2001). "20th Century British Drama," Cambridge University Press,UK. The other side of that era had come to be known as the Great Depression in the US. This was brought on by the Wall Street crash of 1929 which swept the world's financial markets. P. 17 As economic conditions deteriorated, coal mine owners reduced miners wages to trigger a massive strike of coal miners. In England, the Labour Party itself and the Trade Union Congress joined 4 million workers in supporting the widespread protest of miners. Hunger marches were later held in London and elsewhere. While the world economy went into a tailspin, a crisis of ideology came along with it. Many begun to doubt the capability of capitalism, already found difficult to defend morally as it were, to deliver jobs and prosperity. Many thinkers saw in the crisis the fulfillment of Marx's ideas that capitalism was doomed. They began to look at communism as one that offered a fairer and more efficient system. Against this backdrop of unfilled needs and prevailing mood for protest, women picked up the fight for suffrage with greater determination and, after a long and hard struggle, won it. "The developing sense of women's rights and their roles in society is a major theme of the 20th century" Smart,p.8 The protest movement began and ended in Britain such that the coining of the term"suffragette" was attributed to London's Daily Mail. Ruth Rasnic (2006) "The 20th Century - The Century That Made an Impact," Jewish Women International, Vol. 1, Issue 5. It was coined in a derisive vein, which reflected the general attitude towards the movement. Why - Reasons for the protest As far back as the Edwardian era in the 19th century British women had rebelled against their condition as the largest underclass of that time. P.7, Smart. The more educated women became, the sharper their awareness grew on the discrimination they had suffered in a male-dominated world. This was among the topics taken up by the "Blue Stocking" ladies in England, who had counterparts in the US, France and other countries in Europe, as they gathered regularly for tea and literary, intellectual or entertainment discussions. Ruth Rasnic (2006) believes schooled women actually begun to vocalize their concern over their stifled rights during that era. Calmly at first, they started calling attention to the fact that for so long, women had been relegated to an inferior position in all cultures, societies and religions. By tradition, the man was lord and master for women to love, honor and obey. Women are given away in marriage, sold on dowry like cattle. Only the husband can divorce his wife and never the other way around. In some cultures, women cannot choose their spouses and female castration was a popular custom. In China, women were subjected to "foot-binding" as girls so that they would be controlled by men in their lifetime.3 ________________________ 3 In this custom, the girls' feet are bound in cement in childhood to make movement painful. Such discrimination against
Friday, July 26, 2019
Pursue MS in Computational Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pursue MS in Computational Finance - Essay Example However the biggest revelation that I experienced was when I came across the concepts of finance, economics and banking during my under graduation. I began to realize the true importance of numbers. That was when I began comprehending the magnitude of services that mathematics could provide. I immediately realized that a domain that blends mathematics and finance was my future. Even before I completed my Class X, I had achieved a high level of proficiency in various nuances of mathematics, much advanced than required by convention. I spent vast amounts of time identifying the roles that mathematics plays in everyday life. Of the various applications with their pith as numbers, I was most fascinated by Finance and its related domains. Consequently, I took up Finance as my major subject for my under-graduation at Georgia State University. The subjects that I learnt during my undergraduate course have taught me the art of formal and logical thinking. My passion for finance only escalated from day one of my under-graduation. Some of my favorite subjects were Mathematics, Finance, Economics and Risk Management. I took several interesting courses in finance and completed all the required credits successfully.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Union Effects on Employee Relation in Great Britain Essay
Union Effects on Employee Relation in Great Britain - Essay Example In a country like Nigeria, for instance, both before and since the current democratic government took up the mantle of leadership, the government has, in its bid to restructure the country's battered economy, applied certain measures over and over again, each time bringing untold hardship on the Nigerian workers. An example of such measures is the continual increase in the prices of various petroleum products, notably gasoline, kerosene, gas, diesel and other lubricants. Â Each time this is done, [It has been done six times within six years], the prices of virtually everything except workers' salary would go up by over a hundred percent. The transporters would increase their transport fares, market people would do the same on foodstuffs, landlords, estate agents, farmers, schools, and college; all these and other service providers, including manufacturers, would follow suit and increase the prices of their products and services, without any consideration for the worker, who bears the effect of inflation. Â When the situation is like this, the worker's plight becomes very pathetic because of the concomitant high cost of living and spiraling inflation the worker is left to grapple with as his pocket depletes quickly with his static salary. Â Many workers have had to continue to suffer in silence for fear of being sacked and thrown into the over-populated labor market, where many unemployed graduates are waiting in the wings to grab any job opportunity, no matter how small the pay, just to make ends meet. Â The government has remained insensitive about the plight of the worker with their arbitrary increases in petroleum product prices, even when no palliatives are ever put in place to cushion the effect of their policies on the work. Â Protests and nationwide strikes declared by the Labour Congress has always been the workers' only resort, but this has always be perceived as opponents of the government, [short of being labeled a treason] and the reaction of the government has been to unleash police terror on the protesting workers, arrests and detention of union leaders are ordered. Apart from these, the worker faces such punitive measures as the cut in salary suspension [without pay], and outright dismissal is additional punishments the worker faces in the hand of the employer at the end of strikes and protests. Â Generally, most employers perceive unionism as opposed to the progress and well being of their organizations. Whenever there is a conflict between workers and their employers, and the union comes in to mediate, there is always a stalemate, or where some agreements are struck through collective bargaining, such agreements are hardly respected to the full by the employers. Â Unionised employees are usually seen as disloyal to their employers. A wrong perception by the employers. Many unionized workers are constantly dismissed, sacked, suspended, suppressed or threatened at the slightest chance by the employers.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Customer intimacy and other value Disciplines Essay
Customer intimacy and other value Disciplines - Essay Example Redefining the value for customers in different markets is necessary because of the enormous differences in customer tastes, purchasing behaviors, attitude etc. Moreover, customers in different markets are socially, culturally, politically, and economically different and hence customized business strategies are necessary even for the same product at different markets. Parker Pen misread the globalization principles and tried to implement a unique marketing strategy for their pens in different countries and failed miserably. Moreover, an Indian customer may like to have some kind of discount while purchasing a car whereas an American customer may like to have a free offer along with purchasing of the same car. In other words, the car manufacturer should adopt different marketing or business strategies at different countries even for selling the same product. Building powerful and cohesive business systems based the characteristics of a market is another important strategy needed for the success of a business. For example, Americans like to purchase top quality branded goods even if the prices were too much whereas an Indian customer may prefer low prices even if the quality was compromising. In other words, it is difficult for the Benz car makers to sell their top models in India whereas same model could be the best seller in America. Same way, it is difficult for Indian car manufacturer Maruti to sell their cars in America even though they are the best sellers in the Indian market. If Maruti wants to sell their cars in America, they need to make necessary changes in their car models in order to make it suitable to the American market. Raising customers’ expectations beyond the competition’s reach is the third strategy needed for business success. Indian car manufacturer TATA recently unveiled world’s cheapest car NANO priced $ 2000. This car became a hot seller in Indian market and its booking is already
Marketing Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing Analysis - Essay Example (Anonymous, 2013) The marketing campaign of the memorial hospital is done using social media (facebook, twitter and YouTube), websites and print media as media channels. This marketing campaigns focuses on the on the marketing mix and the target market of the organization. This media channels are used to advertise the services that the hospital offers such as Addictions , Allergies and Rheumatology, Back, Neck and Spine Care, Behavioral Health ,Blood Disorders and Diseases , Care, Burn ,Cancer Care and Health. The hospital has used the media channels and this can be analyzed as follows; (Mark, 2012) I. Social media. This has mostly used by the hospital to reach a specific group. The social media which include the usage of facebook twitter and YouTube is usually commonly used by a large number of people across the globe. The hospital has used the social media at a smaller extend. This can be seen in the small number of followers in the twitter and facebook.The YouTube downloads also reveals a small number of customer accesses. The hospital uses this social media to target the youth group. II. Websites. The company has effectively used the websites. This has been done in such a way that it gives links to compare the services that it offers with other hospitals in terms of price, quality and the place. The websites also link the social media and gives a place for the feedback so as to evaluate the services for the better services. It also provides testimonials compared to other hospitals that do assume, this makes the hospital to be on the competitive advantage.The websites reveal the facilities which play a major role in advertising the hospital. (Mark, 2012) III. Print media. The hospital has adopted the usage of print media. The hospital has strategized in such a way that it uses the magazines that make lot of sales, the wall street journal, to advertise its products. This has been effective in the advertisement because most of the people often read the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
MBTI & decision-making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MBTI & decision-making - Assignment Example There are certain techniques imperative in the realisation of this ability. Indeed, the ability to classify and recognise the information is one of the greatest challenges in this ability. Decision making requires making proper networks and task analysis. In order to facilitate the realisation of this, it creates the need to attend and address the internal and the external consistencies. Proper decision making also calls for the evaluation of all the relevant facts in order to create the efficiency and effectiveness in the process. In the context of the organisational structure, the making of proper decisions needs to be a methodical process that follows a given pattern. In the practical sense, several techniques are normally imperative in the context of decision making (Brooks 2006). These normally involve backward planning and the use of the PMI technique which provides a clear demonstration of the decision making process. In order to facilitate the process, certain fundamental strengths become very important. This includes the identification of the possible defects and problems and the need to follow up the whole decision making process. Proper judgment also calls for the implementation of the decisions in a timely manner. It is also important to evaluate for the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision am made. I recall being invited to make a decision regarding whether or not to suspend a student who had been caught watching illicit material over the internet while in school. From the outset, it appeared everybody wanted the boy to be kicked out of school. On much scrutiny of the school rules and regulations, I realised that there wasn’t a proper written rule which outlawed such behaviour. I therefore took it upon myself to inundate the members on the invalidity of a decision to suspend the boy yet there wasn’t any proper rule of dealing with such a case. Though it was
Monday, July 22, 2019
Management styles and strategies in small firm Essay Example for Free
Management styles and strategies in small firm Essay Management literature provides us a number of management styles practiced by managers and leaders across the globe through the years. A manager’s style is largely determined by many factors in the organization including the structure and the size of resources available as well as the managerial capacity of the owner. The mode of operations and styles in small firms are determined by the transactional nature of the firm as well as the nature and capacity of the manager-cum-owner. Authoritarian Management Style. Some managers of small firms practice the authoritarian management style. With the inherent characteristics of being small, managers of small firms take absolute control of a workplace situation, without reference to the views and inputs of the employees. According to Davidmann, in authoritarian organizations it is orders which are passed down from above and the managers role is to pass orders down the chain of command. In small firms, owner-cum-managers are the only ones who decide on innovations and changes in the business operations. Innovation in small firms is usually linked up with the entrepreneurial skill of the owner-cum manager. To Meulenberg Verhees (2004), â€Å"in a small firm, innovativeness implies a wiliness of the owner to learn about and to adopt innovations, both in the input and output markets. High innovations of small firm do not mean that the owner is innovative in all domains†. Workers in small businesses can also contribute to the innovative process of the firm but only through the direction of the organization’s leaders. It is still the owner-cum-manager’s decision that is implemented in the end. As Slatter (1992:159), puts it, â€Å"strong leadership provides a key role in overcoming the confusion that usually accompanies growth and is necessary to build and maintain the cohesiveness of the organization†. Participative Management Style Participative management style is also practiced by managers of small businesses. The main goal of participative management is to enhance the quality of the employees’ working life and the management must be responsive to the requests of the employees (Lewis Renn, 1992). This style allows information sharing and involvement of employees in the decision making. Participative management is a process whereby the employees are involved in the decision-making of the organization through formal and informal means (Chan). As a small firm with small organizational structure, there is the need to focus on people issues, and trust-based relations; such a perspective neglects the probability of conflict, even in ostensibly high trust work settings (Collins Ram, 2003). In small firms, employees are encouraged to be involved in decision making. Managers share information directly to the employees and ask inputs before making decisions about policies and processes. This type of management styles promotes and boosts the morale of employees and prevents low productivity. According to Davidmann, smaller company is more effective when compared with larger company both in terms of both employee utilisation (turnover per employee) and capital utilisation (turnover per unit of issued share capital). The adherence to informal structure and system in small firm operation is another noticeable fact that has affected how managerial pattern is determined. According to Blackburn (2003:12), â€Å"the relatively low use of the formal systems by small firms may also mean that a reliance on patent counts etc. is an inaccurate measurement of innovative or research activity. Hence, there is a need to ‘unpack’ the approaches to innovative and intellectual property management by owner-mangers†. In the same parlance, Moore (1996), cited in Blackburn (2003), opined that SMEs rely on more informal methods to protect their intellectual property, such as maintaining a lead time advantage over competitors in bringing new products to market. Also, this can come through the development of high-trust. Adaptive Management Style Ken Blanchard and Paul Hershey, renowned management gurus, created a management style that analyzes the needs of the situation a manager or a leader is dealing with, and then adopts the most appropriate style. This is ideal for small businesses since management styles are considered to be difficult due to the flexible nature of small businesses. In this view, Slatter (1992:159) puts it that â€Å"managing fast growth in entrepreneurial firms is one of the most difficult challenges that exist†. â€Å"Owners often struggle to balance the flexibility required to keep pace with customer demands, with a sense of continuity and security. Hence, management essentially comprises a careful balancing act between strong leadership and decentralized task-oriented management; entrepreneurial and professional management; and processes involving organizational cohesion and those promoting individual responsibilities†(Collins Ram, 2003). The availability of strong leadership in small firms provides a key role in overcoming the confusion that usually accompanies growth and is necessary to build and maintain the cohesiveness of the organization. Thus, â€Å"achieving the balancing act between stability and flexibility is difficult, but potentially attainable through such means and a strong but democratic leadership style†(Slatter 1992:126). Small firms have been observed to be adapting operational plan rather than strategic plan. While strategic plan is conceived as â€Å"a written long – range plan, which includes both a corporate mission statement and a statement of organizational objectives†¦operational planning , on the other hand, is defined as the setting of short term objectives for specific functional areas such as finance, marketing, and personnel†(Shrader et al, 1989). The limited resources available to small firms have resulted in their continual practice of operational plans. â€Å"Strategic planning has not commonly been practiced by smaller firms because they do not have the staff or the time to engage in strategic planning. Rather, the top manager in a small firm must be concerned more with operational, day-to-day, functional area problems†(ibid). Robinson, Logan, and Shalem, cited in Shrader et al, (1989), found that strategic planning was not related to improved financial performance of small firms, but that operational planning was positively related to performance. It is argued that small businesses do not benefit from strategic plans primarily because they do not take time or effort to formulate them. Robinson concluded that small businesses which hired outside help in strategic planning performed better than those that did not plan (ibid). Operational planning allows more flexibility on the part of the owner-cum-managers of small firms. This type of planning allows them to be more adaptive in their management style depending on the need of the situation. Most research works and write ups have been about the management of human resources in large organizations. However in recent times, the focus has shifted to HRM in small firms. Major concerns and predictions for the failures of small businesses relate to financial issues. But in the argument of Marlow Patton (1993), the effective management of employees is also emerging as a key variable in the survival of small firms. The limited size of many small firms justifies the absence of full-time HR professionals in their organizations. The complex and time consuming nature of many HR activities can result in a significant drain on existing managerial resources. Small firms also face the problems and challenges of lacking high skilled HR. â€Å"Attractive and retention is clearly linked to the ability to offer a competitive benefits package†(Williams Dreher 1992, cited in Klaas et al, 2000). There is a need for a well-skilled and well-motivated workforce for small firms in order for them to compete effectively in the global marketplace. â€Å"There is growing empirical evidence linking HRM activities and organizational performance†(Holt 1993, cited in Wager 1998). As Odaka Sawai (1999), puts it, â€Å"small business has sometimes been criticized for its economic ‘vices’: retrace competition, the exploitation of employees through low wages, poor working conditions, paternalistic labor relations, and so on. In so far as small firms are characterized by the relatively labor-intensive choice of technology, they contributed to society by enhancing the employment capabilities of the latter†. Lack of technological processes of small firms also constitutes as basis of inefficient HR relationships. Collins Ram (2003) identified four types of employment relations in small firms: â€Å"a ‘factory’ model, which emphasized pecuniary attachment and managerial control: a ‘commitment model based upon peer and ‘cultural’ control: a professional model that stressed attachment to work; and an ‘engineering’ that exhibited a more instrumental approach to work relations’. The concept of informality is invoked to describe social relations at work. But the substance of informality needs to be investigated, together with the shaping power of the context in which the small firm is operating. The ranking of importance of HRM activities differs between small and large scale businesses. According to Ng and Maki (1993), quoted in Wager (19980, â€Å" for smaller firms, the three most important activities were the ‘retaining function’ (which included administering personnel records, payroll processing, health and safety compliance, public relations, and vacation processing), ‘obtaining function’ (which involve pre-employment testing, recruiting, and hiring), and the ‘identifying function’ (which included human resource planning and job evaluation). On the other hand for larger firms, the most important activity was the ‘adjustment function’ (which addresses promotion, transfer, and separation, union-management relations, employee assistance plan administration, and disciplinary issues, followed by the ‘identifying function’, and the developing function’ (which included skill training, orientation, and career development). CONCLUSION So going back to the question Is small beautiful? , my discussion in this paper would say yes. Small is beautiful indeed. Although many literature and management experts would disagree with this conclusion, this paper concludes that small is beautiful. Nooteboom (1994) and Rothwell and Dodgson (1994) as cited by Voosen, find that the relative strengths of large firms are predominantly material. According to Voosen, it is not always easy to separate the effects of market power and firm size, as these two are obviously correlated. But despite the obvious advantage of large organizations over small firms, this paper concludes that small is beautiful. There is beauty in managing small businesses. The beauty of small firms lies in its inherent characteristic of being small. Small allows flexibility, creativity, innovativeness, responsiveness, and efficiency in decision making. Nooteboom (1994) and Rothwell and Dodgson (1994), as cited by Voosen, concluded that in general, the relative strengths of small firms lie in its behavioral characteristics. This definitely reinforces the saying that bigger isn’t really better! REFERENCES Anglund, Sandra M. (2000), Small Business Policy and the American Creed. Westport CT: Praeger. Bannock, Graham (2005), The Economics and management of Small Business: An International perspective. New York: Routledge. Blackburn, Robert A. (2003), Intellectual Property and Innovation management in Small Firms. London: Routledge Blackburn, R. Hart, M. (2001), â€Å"Perception or reality? The effects of Employment Rights on Small Firms†Paper at the 3rd SBS- Kingston university seminar series, Sheffield 6 November. http://business. kingston. ac. uk/research/kbssbs/percrel. pdf (06/03/06) Bolton, J. (1971) Small Firms Report of the Committee of Inquiry on Small Firms. London. Chan, Alvin. Organizational Survival: Adapt to Succeed! http://www. zeromillion. com/business/adapt. html Collins, L. 7 ram M. 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(2004), â€Å"Market Orientation, Innovativeness product Innovation, and Performance in Small Firms†in Journal of Small Business Management. Vol. 42, No. 2. Odaka, K. Sawai, M. (1999), Small Firms, Large Concerns: The Development of Small Business in Comparative Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Shrader, C. B. et al (1989), â€Å"Strategic and Operational Planning, Uncertainty and Performance in Small Firms†in Journal of Small Business Management. Vol. 27, No 4 Slatter, S. (1992), Gambling on Growth: How to Manage the Small High-tech Firm, John Wiley Sons. Vosen, Robert. â€Å"Combining Large and Small Firm Advantages in Innovation: Theory and Examples. www. ub. rug. nl/eldoc/som/b/98B21/98b21. pdf Wager, Terry H. (1998), â€Å"Determinants of Human Resource Management Practices in Small Firms: Some Evidence from Atlantic Canada†in Journal of Small Business Management. Vol. 36, No. 2.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Network Monitoring And Management System Information Technology Essay
Network Monitoring And Management System Information Technology Essay A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. Most often associated with academic-oriented literature, such as theses, a literature review usually precedes a research proposal and results section. Its ultimate goal is to bring the reader up to date with current literature on a topic and forms the basis for another goal, such as future research that may be needed in the area. A well-structured literature review is characterized by a logical flow of ideas; current and relevant references with consistent, appropriate referencing style; proper use of terminology; and an unbiased and comprehensive view of the previous research on the topic. 4.1 Domain Research 4.1.1 Network Monitoring and Management system Introduction to the use of Network Monitoring and Management system Whenever there is vital information in an organization there has to be some agent who has to provide security measures to that information. This is because this vital information can be some sort of business plans, customer details or any kind of confidential tenders that is very important to organizational benefit. Any rival company can gain profit if it has accessed to those information by any means. Thus here arise the need and usage of network monitoring system that will be able to monitor the activities of its client. Secondly in every company one can expect there will be one network administrator. But when the number of machine increases it is difficult to manage those machines manually. Suppose one need to install some kind of programs in the client PC, the administrator has to go to that PC and then install. It is literally time consuming to go to each and every PC for initiation and finishing a set up process. Another way to solve this problem is to hire more employees for maintenance of the machines. Now this will be costly affair. So the use of Network Monitoring and Management together forms an important part of organizational computer network in day to life. Network Monitoring and Management System The term network monitoring describes the use of a system that constantly monitors a computer network for slow or failing components and that notifies the network administrator (via email, pager or other alarms) in case of outages. It is a subset of the functions involved in network management. While an intrusion detection system monitors a network for threats from the outside, a network monitoring system monitors the network for problems caused by overloaded and/or crashed servers, network connections or other devices. Effective planning for a network management system requires that a number of network management tasks be performed. The network management system should discover the network inventory, monitor the health and status of devices and provide alerts to conditions that impact system performance. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors network and/or system activities for malicious activities or policy violations and produces reports to a Management Station. Intrusion prevention is the process of performing intrusion detection and attempting to stop detected possible incidents. Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) are primarily focused on identifying possible incidents, logging information about them, attempting to stop them, and reporting them to security administrators. IDPSs have become a necessary addition to the security infrastructure of nearly every organization. Network management refers to the activities, methods, procedures, and tools that pertain to: Operation deals with keeping the network (and the services that the network provides) up and running smoothly. It includes monitoring the network to spot problems as soon as possible, ideally before users are affected. Administration deals with keeping track of resources in the network and how they are assigned. It includes all the housekeeping that is necessary to keep the network under control. Maintenance is concerned with performing repairs and upgrades-for example, when equipment must be replaced, when a router needs a patch for an operating system image, when a new switch is added to a network. Maintenance also involves corrective and preventive measures to make the managed network run better, such as adjusting device configuration parameters. Provisioning is concerned with configuring resources in the network to support a given service. For example, this might include setting up the network so that a new customer can receive voice service. Types of intrusion detection systems [B5][B6] For the purpose of dealing with IT, there are three main types of IDS: Fig: Showing type of intrusion Detection system Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) It is an independent platform that identifies intrusions by examining network traffic and monitors multiple hosts. Network intrusion detection systems gain access to network traffic by connecting to a network hub, network switch configured for port mirroring, or network tap. In a NIDS, sensors are located at choke points in the network to be monitored, often in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) or at network borders. Sensors capture all network traffic and analyze the content of individual packets for malicious traffic. An example of a NIDS is Snort. Host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) It consists of an agent on a host that identifies intrusions by analyzing system calls, application logs, file-system modifications (binaries, password files, capability databases, Access control lists, etc.) and other host activities and state. In a HIDS, sensors usually consist of a software agent. Some application-based IDS are also part of this category. An example of a HIDS is OSSEC. Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) Detects and pinpoints the location of intrusion attempts on perimeter fences of critical infrastructures. Using either electronics or more advanced fiber optic cable technology fitted to the perimeter fence, the PIDS detects disturbances on the fence, and this signal is monitored and if an intrusion is detected and deemed by the system as an intrusion attempt, an alarm is triggered. Comparison with firewalls Though they both relate to network security, an intrusion detection system (IDS) differs from a firewall in that a firewall looks outwardly for intrusions in order to stop them from happening. Firewalls limit access between networks to prevent intrusion and do not signal an attack from inside the network. An IDS evaluates a suspected intrusion once it has taken place and signals an alarm. An IDS also watches for attacks that originate from within a system. This is traditionally achieved by examining network communications, identifying heuristics and patterns (often known as signatures) of common computer attacks, and taking action to alert operators. A system that terminates connections is called an intrusion prevention system, and is another form of an application layer firewall Components of Network Monitoring and Management System The network monitoring system basically contains different modules with the help of which proper functioning is carried out. The following are the list of modules and processes: Initial Set-Up: This is the first step while setting up a network monitoring tool. The machines must be physically connected. IP addressing should be properly carried out. Network Mapping: The system sends out a command across the network along with usage of various components to get the minimum knowledge on the model in which the network is functioning network. This model is useful for documenting the network configuration. Machine Pooling: Now the map is prepared, and the system sends the current status request to the components that are in the network. With this process the system would able to get the knowledge of any potential failures that exist in the network. Alarms Notification: The application can detect the potential failures in the existing network. Like if any system has gone out of LAN due to any cable fault or any type of other failures it will send notification to the administrator. Information about errors can be displayed centrally or even sent as an SMS message to a mobile phone Notification can be through e-Mail, SMS or Pager. Reporting: The log-sheet with the help of the command can be very useful for the system administrator to generate the idea of the type of error that has been frequently occurring. By undergoing a thorough research the developer has found out that certain processes like filtering of client, listing of process, managing clients and their processes are the basic functionalities that must be present in a network monitoring system. Network based Application Architecture Network based application architecture can be described as the software architecture of the network based application. It provides an abstract view and the model for comparison of the architecture that is going to be used to build the system. It explains how system components are allocated and identified and how these components interact with the system. Also provides information on the amount and granularity of communication needed for interact. Along with it also gives idea on the interface protocols. Client/Server Architecture [W2][W3] The client-server model distinguishes between applications as well as devices. Network clients make requests to a server by sending messages, and servers respond to their clients by acting on each request and returning results. One server generally supports numerous clients, and multiple servers can be networked together in a pool to handle the increased processing load as the number of clients grows. C:UsersJAYESHPicturesfeatures-client-server.jpgC:UsersJAYESHPicturesclient_server_architecture.jpg Fig- A Client-Server Network The client-server model of computing is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients. Often clients and servers communicate over a computer network on separate hardware, but both client and server may reside in the same system. A server machine is a host that is running one or more server programs which share their resources with clients. In most cases, client-server architecture enables the roles and responsibilities of a computing system to be distributed among several independent computers that are known to each other only through a network. This creates an additional advantage to this architecture: greater ease of maintenance. For example, it is possible to replace, repair, upgrade, or even relocate a server while its clients remain both unaware and unaffected by that change. Client/Server architecture with respect to domain research Network monitoring protocols [W12] Website monitoring service can check  HTTP  pages,  HTTPS,  SNMP,  FTP,  SMTP,  POP3,  IMAP,  DNS, SSH, TELNET, SSL, TCP, ping, SIP, UDP, Media Streaming and a range of other ports with a variety of check intervals ranging from every four hours to every one minute. Typically, most network monitoring services test your server anywhere between once-per-hour and per-minute. SNMP is the most well known protocol used to manage networked devices. It was to facilitate the exchange of management information between networked devices operating at the application layer of the ISO/OSI model. A collection of network management stations and network elements are implicit in the SNMP architectural model. Network management stations monitor and control network elements by executing management applications for Network devices such as hosts, gateways, terminal and servers which have management agents responsible for performing the network management functions requested by the network management stations. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used to communicate management information between the network management stations and the agents in the network elements. SNMP is most commonly used for remote management of network devices. SNMP is moreover known for its flexibility. Adding network-management functions to the existing system is very easy. An SNMP-managed network typically consists of three components: Managed devices Agents Network management systems A managed device can be any piece of equipment that sits on your data network and is SNMP compliant. Routers, switches, hubs, workstations, and printers are all examples of managed devices. An agent is typically software that resides on a managed device. The agent collects data from the managed device and translates that information into a format that can be passed over the network using SNMP. A network-management system monitors and controls managed devices. The network management system issues requests and devices return responses. HCI (Human Computer Interaction) Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. Association for Computing Machinery As Smart Whistle Blower- a network management and monitoring tool completely functions according to the user. That is why developer tried to implement peoples interaction with computers and to develop the computers for successful interaction with human by the concept of HCI (Human- Computer Interaction). The developer used following main parts of HCI: User Computer Interaction The developer implemented HCI with the aim of improving the interactions between humans and computers by making computers more usable and receptive to the users needs. Usability can be defined as the extent to which the system can be learnt and used by the users. So the developer measures the usability of the system by analyzing the following points: Easy to learn Effective to use Efficient to use While developing a system using HCI principles the following factors must be considered by the developer: Organizational Factors Environmental Factors Health and Safety Factors Comfort Factors People System/Network Administrator Supervisor Advisor HCI now is being used in a wide range of fields which are shown in the diagram below: Fig: Showing related modules to HCIU Source: Market Research Similar software available in market There are numerous monitoring tools available in the market, some of which are listed below: Application Monitoring Performance Monitoring Database Monitoring Security Monitoring Environment Monitoring Network Traffic Monitoring PC Monitoring Protocol Analyzing Comparison Chart [W13] [W14] [W15][W16][W17][W18][W19][W20] Fig: Showing Comparison Chart between ten software and Smart Whistle Blower A Brief Analysis On a comparison with 10 network monitoring system it has been found that the proposed software i.e. Smart Whistle is providing many such facilities that the current network monitoring system do not have. The comparison has been done on nine different features that network monitoring and management software must have. The features commonly are as follows: [ƒ ] Logical Grouping [ƒ ] Distributed Monitoring [ƒ ] Hardware Intrusion Detection [ƒ ] WebApp [ƒ ] Auto discovery [ƒ ] Triggers/alerts [ƒ ] Live Screening [ƒ ] Chat enabled [ƒ ] Support Network Management System 4.1.2 Security management recommendation Security Management for networks is different for all kinds of situations. A small home or an office would only require basic security while large businesses will require high maintenance and advanced software and hardware to prevent malicious attacks from hacking and spamming. Small homes A basic firewall like COMODO Internet Security or a unified threat management system. For Windows users, basic Antivirus software like AVG Antivirus, ESET NOD32 Antivirus, Kaspersky, McAfee, Avast!, Zone Alarm Security Suite or Norton Antivirus. An anti-spyware program such as Windows Defender or Spybot Search Destroy would also be a good idea. There are many other types of antivirus or anti-spyware programs out there to be considered. When using a wireless connection, use a robust password. Also try to use the strongest security supported by your wireless devices, such as WPA2 with AES encryption. Enable MAC Address filtering to keep track of all home network MAC devices connecting to your router. Assign STATIC IP addresses to network devices. Disable ICMP ping on router. Review router or firewall logs to help identify abnormal network connections or traffic to the Internet. Use passwords for all accounts. Have multiple accounts per family member, using non-administrative accounts for day-to-day activities. Disable the guest account (Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Computer Management> Users). Raise awareness about information security to children. Medium businesses A fairly strong firewall or Unified Threat Management System Strong Antivirus software and Internet Security Software. For authentication, use strong passwords and change it on a bi-weekly/monthly basis. When using a wireless connection, use a robust password. Raise awareness about physical security to employees. Use an optional network analyzer or network monitor. An enlightened administrator or manager. Large businesses A strong firewall and proxy to keep unwanted people out. A strong Antivirus software package and Internet Security Software package. For authentication, use strong passwords and change it on a weekly/bi-weekly basis. When using a wireless connection, use a robust password. Exercise physical security precautions to employees. Prepare a network analyzer or network monitor and use it when needed. Implement physical security management like closed circuit television for entry areas and restricted zones. Security fencing to mark the companys perimeter. Fire extinguishers for fire-sensitive areas like server rooms and security rooms. Security guards can help to maximize security. School An adjustable firewall and proxy to allow authorized users access from the outside/inside. Strong Antivirus software and Internet Security Software packages. Wireless connections that lead to firewalls. Childrens Internet Protection Act compliance. Supervision of network to guarantee updates and changes based on popular site usage. Constant supervision by teachers, librarians, and administrators to guarantee protection against attacks by both internet and sneaker net sources. security via firewall Large government A strong firewall and proxy to keep unwanted people out. Strong Antivirus software and Internet Security Software suites. Strong encryption. White list authorized wireless connection, block all else. All network hardware is in secure zones. All hosts should be on a private network that is invisible from the outside. Put web servers in a DMZ, or a firewall from the outside and from the inside. Security fencing to mark perimeter and set wireless range to this. 4.1.3 Service and Technology Growth in India As India emerging as one of the major IT leaders of the world, more and more IT companies are establishing in the present scenario. With the increase in IT companies more competition will arise in the market, as a result there will be increase in business politics and hence everybody will try to win this race of competition in the market. Thus there is high risk of hackers intruding into company database and taking away vital information and selling them to rival company. So here the importance of Network Security arises. As a result more and more number of Network Monitoring and management systems is being developed. On a detailed research it has been found that the number of cases of cyber crime is increasing every year. With practical guidance delivered by expert speakers an organization named as e-Crime India is the premier networking and knowledge initiative for security, IT, fraud, investigations, CERT, audit, forensics, and compliance professionals who are responsible for protecting against existing attacks and emerging threats. Major IT companies in India like the Infosys, TCS, and Wipro etc. are having separate department to develop software related to network security. Hence one can say the importance of developing such a system because this type of software is ever- demanding with the increase and development of technology. 4.2 Information and Resources Networks Networking Concepts Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications, 4th International Edition, Douglas E Comer, Ralph E. Droms, ISN:013123627X, Publisher: Prentice Hall, Copyright: 2004 Behrouz Forozuan, (2004) Introduction to Data Communication Networking, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Tanenbaum, Andrew S. (2003) Computer Networks, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall Stallings, William (2006) Data and Computer Communications, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall Books Leslie Ann Robertson, 2003, Simple Program Design, 2nd Edition , Boyd and Fraser Shelly, G.B., Cashman, T.J. Rosenblatt, H.J. (2005) System Analysis and Design, 5th or 6th Edition, Course Technology OConnell, F. (2001) How to Run Successful Projects III: The Silver Bullet. Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0201748061 CCTA (2002) Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2. The Stationary Office Books, Cleland, D. (2001) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge 2000. PMI. ISBN: 0113308914 White Paper and Journal Parnas, David, A rational design process and how to fake it (PDF) An influential paper which criticises the idea that software production can occur in perfectly discrete phases. Royce, Winston (1970), Managing the Development of Large Software Systems, Proceedings of IEEE WESCON 26 (August): 1-9 Web Site
Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development
Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development Gabriella Greyling Management Control, Employment Equity, Skills Development Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction Background Understanding the Scorecard Compliance of the Advertising Industry in Cape Town Conclusion Bibliography Introduction In the case study, Duffett, van der Heever Bell argue that transformation within the advertising industry is vital due to the influence this sector has over social norms and trends (Duffett, van der Heever Bell, 2009). They further argue that the advertising industry in Cape Town has implemented BEE and is making progress in complying with the targets set out in the Codes, although admit that there are some challenges that may impact on success of the Codes to achieve transformation goals. Compliance with three of the seven elements of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice of 2007 (â€Å"Codes†) (namely Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development) of the advertising industry in Cape Town, has been critically analysed using the 2009 study by Duffet, van der Heever and Bell. The study looks at factors that hinder or promote transformation in this industry, in relation to the B-BBEE Codes and applicable transformation charters. The advertising industry falls within the scope of the Marketing, Advertising and Communication (â€Å"MAC†) Transformation Charter, gazetted in terms of Section 12 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (â€Å"B-BBEE†) Act (Act No. 53 of 2003). Under Section 12, a transformation charter is not binding on the industry, unlike the Codes, which were gazetted in terms of Section 9(1) of the B-BBEE Act (B-BBEE Codes, 2007, p15). This is mentioned as one of the factors impeding success of transformation in the advertising industry, as it has created some confusion for scorecard preparation. Furthermore, at the time of conducting the study, SANAS had delayed the process of accrediting Verification Agencies to July 2008. This meant that many companies were performing self-assessments to determine their compliance in terms of the B-BBEE Codes in order to save money on costly verifications. Consequently, the results from the study may not be entirely reliable, but they ne vertheless form a useful basis to understand B-BBEE compliance in the advertising industry in Cape Town. Background The B-BBEE Act of 2003 was introduced as a model for growth for the South African economy. Encapsulated in this model is the notion that â€Å"no economy can grow while the majority of its population are excluded†. (Okharedia, 2014) The Codes, which were subsequently gazetted in 2007, provided a tool for measuring empowerment (and by implication, transformation) within a company, known as the ‘Scorecard’. Seven elements to this scorecard cover various forms of empowerment, known as direct empowerment (Equity Ownership and Management Control), human resource development (Employment Equity and Skills Development) and indirect empowerment (Preferential Procurement, Enterprise Development and Socio-Economic Development). Specific targets are set for all entities, and these targets are weighted out of 100. Once the scores for each element are added up, they will result in a total number of points out of 100, which indicates the B-BBEE Status (Level 1 to 8) and Procurement Recognition Level (135% 0%). If a sector-specific code is issued in terms of Section 9(1) of the B-BBEE Act, it may have different targets and weightings to that of the Codes of Good Practice, which are applicable to that industry/sect or only). (B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice, 2007, p15). Due to the focus on the Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development elements, the table that follows presents only these three (3) elements, rather than all seven (7). Understanding the Scorecard Table 1: the Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development scorecards B-BBEE Element Total Weighting Measurement Criteria (Indicator) Indicator Weighting Target (0-5) Target (6-10) Management Control 10 Exercisable Voting Rights of black Board members using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 3 50.0% 50.0% Black Executive Directors using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 2 50.0% 50.0% Black Senior Top Management using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 3 40.0% 40.0% Black Other Top Management using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 2 40.0% 40.0% Bonus points: Black Independent Non-Executive Board Members 1 40.0% 40.0% Employment Equity 15 Black disabled employees as a percentage of all employees using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 2 3.0% 3.0% Black employees in Senior Management as a percentage of all such employees using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 5 43.0% 60.0% Black employees in Middle Management as a percentage of all such employees using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 4 63.0% 75.0% Black employees in Junior Management as a percentage of all such employees using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 4 68.0% 80.0% Bonus points for meeting or exceeding the EAP targets in each category. 3 Exceed EAP targets Exceed EAP targets Skills Development 15 Skills Development expenditure on black employees as a percentage of Leviable Amount using the Adjusted recognition for Gender. 6 3.0% 3.0% Skills Development expenditure on black employees with disabilities as a percentage of Leviable Amount using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender. 3 0.3% 0.3% Number of black employees participating in In-service Training Programs as a percentage of total employees using the Adjusted Recognition for Gender 6 5.0% 5.0% As one can see from Table 1, each element is further split into sub-elements or indicators. Each indicator has a point weighting, and a target. We will be focusing on the target for years 0 to 5 (since the Codes came into effect in 2007, and the applicable case study was published in 2009, which is within the first 5 years of the Codes). The Management Control score card measures board participation of black people in general, and black females specifically. Additionally, participation by black people at Senior Top Management level and â€Å"Other Top Management†level is encouraged in this element of the Codes. Emphasis is also placed on participation of black Executive Directors. Participation of black women at board and top management level is further encouraged through the Adjusted Recognition for Gender (â€Å"ARG†) provisions of the Codes. This provision places a greater weighting on black women, by dividing the percentage of black people by 2, and then adding the percentage of black females. The enhancement does have a limitation, in that when adding back the black female percentage, this figure cannot exceed 50% of the target for that indicator (in other words, if the target is 40%, then one can add back a maximum of 20% to the total black percentage representation which had been divided by 2. Similarly, the Employment Equity and Skills Development score cards also utilise the ARG in order to encourage equality between men and women (black females should make up half the target of black people, which is also statistically feasible, as females constitute half of the population in South Africa (Commission for Employment Equity, 2013). The Employment Equity scorecard measures four areas of employment; Senior Management, Middle Management and Junior Management, as well as disabled employees, while Skills Development measures expenditure on skills training for black employees in general and black employees with disabilities specifically. It also measures the number of employees engaged in Learnerships (or Category B, C or D Learning Programs, as per the Learning Program matrix contained in Annexe 400A of Code 400) as a percentage of the company’s total staff compliment. Comparison of the Codes and MAC Transformation Charter Upon closer inspection of the targets contained in the Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development Scorecards of the MAC Transformation Charter and the Codes of Good Practice, the weightings are different, and the targets are phased in from 2006 to 2014 such that the 2014 targets match that of the Codes (or are higher than targets contained in the Codes); Points available under Board participation for the MAC Charter are 5, and targets will be phased in from 25% in 2006, to 50% in 2014 (whereas the Codes offer 3 points for 50% black board participation) The same target applies to Executive directors, Senior Top Management and Other Top Management under the MAC Charter set the target to 25% at first, increasing to 30% in 2009 and finally 50% in 2014 (which is higher than the Codes for Senior Top and Other Top Management targets of 40%, un-staggered) while the available points under the MAC charter are higher in all three categories (4 and 3 points available, instead of 3 and 2 respectively). The target for Independent Non-executives is lower under MAC at 30% (and is phased in from 10% in 2006), as opposed to 40%. Under Employment Equity, the MAC Charter imposes one target for Senior, Middle and Junior Management of 25% in 2006 gradually increasing to 60% in 2014, unlike the Codes, which indicate 2 phases of targets, for each level of management separately. The Skills Development element is more similar between the Codes and the MAC Charter, unlike the previous 2 elements, however, the total skills expenditure on black employees as a percentage of the Leviable Amount target phased in from 1% in 2006 to the full 3% (as per the Codes) by 2014. These different targets make MAC Charter slightly easier to comply with, in terms of absolute targets. Compliance of the Advertising Industry in Cape Town According to Duffet, van der Heever and Bell, the advertising industry in Cape Town reported an increase in black employees from 35.2% in 2004 to 40.2% in 2006. They further reported that black female employees increased from 21% in 2004 to 23.9% in 2006. With regard to management positions, there was a reported increase in black female managers, from 13.8% in 2004 to 17.7% in 2006. One of the challenges noted from the study, was that there was a shortage of skilled black Previously Disadvantaged People (â€Å"PDI†) leading up to 2008, particularly in the advertising industry. Further, the 2007 B-BBEE baseline study referred to in the study also reported a high turnover of black staff, further confirming the desire for black employees in the advertising industry to â€Å"job-hop†. This becomes costly, as companies try to offer comparative salaries to retain talent, not only in their company, but in Cape Town, since salaries are known to be higher in Johannesburg than in the Cape. Training programmes would need to be used to improve job satisfaction with the view that they may result in improved staff retention rates. It was reported that the advertising industry has come up with some innovative training and mentorship programs in order to address both skills and staff (Employment Equity/Management Control) requirements. A further challenge in relation to B-BBEE spoke to attitudes that companies had toward compliance. In one instance, it was noted that some larger companies were more focused on compliance with BEE regulations, than acting in the true spirit of BEE, and that in some instances dishonesty and deceptive practices were used to achieve better scores, as this can result in increased business. Despite concerns by white males who took part in the study, that they were effectively working themselves out of jobs by embracing B-BBEE, many viewed B-BBEE as an opportunity to engage with their target market. Rather than stifling out diversity, encouraging it could create further business opportunities, especially in terms of growing the target market (through job creation, but also through understanding the new emerging target market of empowered black South Africans, and being able to create purchasing desires that would stimulate the economy during a difficult global financial period). The risk faced by the advertising industry was losing their white employees if these employees felt prejudiced by the opportunities being afforded to black South Africans only. The only possible way for this to succeed would be through growth of the industry, in order to generate more revenues to pay all employees equitable and comparable salaries, regardless of race. These challenges can heavily impact the compliance of companies for the Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development elements; when B-BBEE is seen as a cost, the true potential envisioned in the objectives of B-BBEE is easily lost. It was however reported that over 80% of advertising agencies had utilised the services of B-BBEE verification agencies, despite the industry being in its infancy, and that a majority of these agencies had positive attitudes towards B-BBEE. This resulted in the advertising industry being ahead of the national B-BBEE status, in terms of their level of compliance achieved. However, compliance within the MAC Charter targets, which as previously discussed is not binding, and has lower, phased-in targets than the Codes, may have led to these higher status levels. Conclusion Due to the uncertainties existing in the B-BBEE verification and compliance sphere at the time of the study, it is difficult to assess whether or not meaningful transformation had taken place. Despite this, there are indications of compliance by the advertising industry in Cape Town. While the industry was mostly self-regulated, around 80% of agencies confirmed they had engaged with Verification Agencies to confirm their B-BBEE credentials. Standardising and formalising the verification process may result in greater compliance, along with the imposition of penalties for misrepresenting information in order to achieve a favourable score. As stated by the authors of the study, â€Å"The ratio of success to failure in BEE is determined on a daily basis†(Duffett, van der Heever Bell, 2009; 109). Regular monitoring is required to continuously assess compliance with the Codes, and to evaluate transformation achievements as a result of B-BBEE. Even with the wrong intentions, B-BBEE can promote changes and improvements in the lives of previously disadvantaged individuals. However, true success for B-BBEE would be to bring about meaningful improvements in the lives of all South Africans, rather than a select few. Bibliography R.G. Duffett, I.C. Van der Heever D. Bell. 2009. ‘Black economic empowerment progress in the advertising industry in Cape Town: Challenges and benefits’, Southern African Business Review, 13(3): 86-118. South Africa, Department of Trade and Industry. 2003. Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, No. 53 of 2003, No. 25899, Government Gazette Volume 463. Pretoria: Government Printers. South Africa, Department of Trade and Industry. 2007.Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice,No.29617, Government Gazette Volume500,Section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Practice Act 53 of 2003.Pretoria: Government Printers. South Africa, Department of Trade and Industry. 2008. Marketing, Advertising and Communication Sector Transformation Charter, No. 31371, Government Gazette Volume 518, Section 12 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, No. 53 of 2003. Pretoria: Government Printers. Okharedia, A.A.. 2014. ‘B-BBEE Legislative and Strategic Framework’ [PowerPoint Presentation] 10 March. UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership. Midrand, Gauteng. South Africa, Department of Labour. 2013. Commission for Employment Equity; Annual Report 2012-2013, Pretoria: Government Printers. Available at> [Accessed 25 March 2014]
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Public Schools Mandatory Uniforms :: Education
The debate about public school uniforms in America has been around for a very long time. This issue was even mentioned by President Bill Clinton in a State of the Union address in 1996. In his 1996 State of the Union Address, President Clinton decreed,†I challenge all of our schools to teach character education, to teach good values and good citizenship and if it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms†(Clinton 1996). Public schools requiring mandatory uniforms for their students are a major topic as it deals with moral and economic concerns about how America’s public schools are operated. Lack of parents support is the most significant reason for schools failing to implement any sort of school uniform code. Parents, teachers, and students should support the need for school uniforms in public schools so that they may be able to achieve higher educational goals. This paper will discuss many of the pros to the debate on uniforms in public schools as well as touch on some of the cons on the subject. After weighing the two sides, it will demonstrate how the pros are a more sensible alternative and why schools should require mandatory uniforms for their students. Supporting a school uniform policy would help to raise the academic performance level. Students normally wear a variety of clothes that are a distraction in the classroom for a variety of reasons i.e. sports logos, political messages, personal interests, etc. School uniforms would remove this distraction along with the stress of a student having to choose what to wear to school each day. Students that are less worried about their fashion will tend to be more focused on their school work as Helen Woods states, â€Å"Research studies included in this research shows that parents have opinions favoring a uniform dress code with the two foremost reasons being competitiveness among the children and their peers to wear the latest designer fashions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Woods 1992). School uniforms would remove the friction between students that do not wear the style clothes that fit in with their peers. Students that cannot wear competitive designer clothing will, in the name of competition, be c onsidered a loser and no student wants to be considered a loser just because they cannot afford expensive designer clothing. The cost of the uniform depends upon what type of uniform is required.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Layout Design :: essays research papers
Deciding Layouts Deciding the layout is a very important step in Java GUI programming, just like solving an algorithm in normal programming. Layout decides how the components like labels, buttons, text fields etc are going to be displayed on a frame or window. Some GUI can be designed using single panel with a single simple layout. Some GUI need to be broken down into smaller panels which have to be added to an outer panel. Each smaller panel can have its own layout. The simplest layout is the flow layout. Flow layout produces output as a single row. So go for flow layout if you have only 3 or lesser components or if you want all the components in a single row. Next is grid layout. As long as you can determine the rows and columns, you can use this layout. It is possible to use grid layout for most of the applications which you want to develop with a single panel. You can always use filler labels to occupy the empty spaces. So grid layout works fine in such cases. But if you want to have a very neat GUI with very good layout, you need to go for more than 1 panel. In that case, grid, flow, and border are all used together. The development of a GUI depends on the type of problem. There are 2 types of GUI problems: 1.     Problems which just specify that you need to do certain things. In this case, the layout of GUI is totally in your hands. 2.     Problems where you are given a rough drawing on how GUI needs to look. Type 1: In case 1, you need to start with a paper and pencil. -     Read the problem and identify what needs to be displayed to the user -     Depending on that, draw a simple diagram on how you want your GUI to look -     Then start deciding on the layout For example, consider the problem below: Write a GUI java program that takes 2 numbers from the user, adds them, and displays the sum. Solution: 1.     For this, you need 2 text fields to read 2 inputs. 2 labels to tell what to enter in the text fields. 2.     1 button to initiate calculation. 3.     1 text field to display result, and 1 label to address the text field. 4.     The rough diagram will be 5.     For the above diagram, if you are going to use a single panel, then grid layout is the best choice. To decide the layout, dissect the diagram as shown below.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Intelligence LED Policing (ILP) Essay
In the U. S. policing the ILP application has faced various challenges that has led to the complication of the policing model. On top of the 9/11 stimulation, the move towards ILP has been advanced by various initiatives of the public policy. Therefore, due to the varied demands, ILP has been integrated with community policing so as to achieve these new standards. Though widely used by the police services, ILP clarity in its definition and elementary conceptions has hardly been understood. ILP uses the intelligence from covert information as a resource for strategic planning rather than as a way of budding specific evidence for a case. It puts more emphasis on crime intelligence and data analysis in making decisions that smooth the progress of problem and crime reduction, distraction and preclusion by means of strategic management and enforcements strategies that are effective on inexhaustible and somber offenders and criminal groups. Moreover, through crime intelligence analysis, ILP identifies the criminal offenders as threats via a top-down approach that is managerially steered. Through this approach, is also deals with issues of public trust without necessarily involving crime control elucidation (Ratcliffe, 2008). In preventing past misconducts, this model organises a Compstat along the administrative units of the police to effect the changes. Through these Compstat meetings, crime patterns that occurred in the past are reviewed. In the review, commanders identify the hot spot for crime and disorder through crime analysis and necessary action is taken by the police officers. The combination of crime intelligence and crime analysis help direct the police resource decisions more objectively through prioritisation. In addition, the prevention of past crimes in achieved through the utilisation of the three i-models between the decision maker, crime intelligence analysis and the criminal environment. This model is made up of interpret, influence and impact. The decision makers have to bring impact to the criminal environment, the analysts for crime intelligence interpret this environment with intelligence to influence the decision makers (Ratcliffe, 2008).
Microeconomics Market Structures
According to the principles of micro sparings food securities intentness place structures skunk be identified as perfect competition, oligopoly or monopoly. In our guild today and the elan business is conducted, grocery store structures atomic number 18 non strictly defined by on of these particular types. They give the sack be peaceful of a mix of them. A food foodstuff structure that has a high train of competition can be much(prenominal) efficient than those that gestate set out take aims of competition. We bang this since sw from each oneow competition step-ups the craprs overplus in re plication it decreases the consumer surplus.The overtaking in the consumers surplus is agency it volition be greater than the increase in the set uprs surplus. This leads to what we fork up learned as a deadweight loss. A perfect private-enterprise(a) market can also be thought as the approximately efficient form of market, where consumers atomic number 18 the m ost beneficial. Realistically it is difficult to key out and choose a perfect warring market. pure(a) competitive markets have the pursuit characteristics * No entry or get off barriers These markets should have their structures set up with no entry or exit barriers.Simply consequence that pertly suppliers can invest in their gild without any significant capitol or risk. They can also exit the effort without facing any significant loss. * interminable profaneers and sellers the markets have untrammeled or multitudinous issue forths of fatherrs that be willing to sell their crossings to an unlimited or infinite amount of buyers. This is to catch that in that location is no supplier or buyer has a significant market sh atomic number 18. This is to prevent others in the market from universe able to arrange the market price. Perfect Information This is when all competitors in the market have to go forth and sh argon check information among/between distri besidesi vely other. Suppliers and buyers alike, go forward and realize from having full and plump out information, just like the other suppliers and buyers in the markets. The above conditions bring in consumers as these firms overhaul and become price takers. The price of the product will be decided by the release and demand. The equilibrium point is where the allow for curve and demand curve pass over and establish the market price of the product.Therefore, in all aspects of business the price is exist to borderline embody. If we look at the short call fors then on that point is the possibility for a firm to make a profit. However, this is non the traditional outcome and will pronto attract other firms in the manufacture. In turn it will elevate the level of add together demands. As a expiry of this increase, the products price will decrease. Simply signification that in a perfect competitive market it is not feasible for a firm to profit in a long-term aspect.This doe snt necessarily humble that a firm will not earn any profits. It operator that the profit earned covers all the salutes to produce the goods. This can include interest and li cogency. In turn, the long-term outcome for the firm in a perfect competitive market will earn a form profit. The profit will always be significantly less then firms in a monopoly or oligopoly would earn. Capitalism is establish on the principles of the unacquainted(p) market. In eject markets the supply and demand variables help determine the quantity of the goods produced along with its market price.There are many foreign countries and their firms that have assay to implement free markets but have not been very successful because there has never been that type of market in inter study transactions. This is because global trade and national trade are derived from the same principles. The understructure of internationalistic trade is the principle of proportional advantage. Each country has different sets of resources. These variables are different because nearly countries have grown populations, which influence the labor pool, especially when some quite a little have specific frame skills in a one fabrication.For example, if sight in Antarctica wanted to drink coffee that would have to or import them since the temper is not conducive to festering it. If Antarctica decided not to use international trade, they would any have to go without coffee or grow it in an un-natural environment. The cost of growing and providing coffee would increase the market price. kinda since Antarctica participates in international trade, they have the ability to focus and provided coffee to its countries consumers. Simply subject matter that countries that have comparative advantages get it from their products for which has the last opportunity cost.If these countries focus on products that create their comparative advantages then the total end product would be greater for the consumer s of the piece than if each country tried to individually produce everything. The fringy cost or the cost of producing a new product normally cost less than the average cost of producing a good. This is because the additional production unremarkably is achieved without making any substantial new investments. (V,Kumar, 2008). Globalization allows production to shift to the people and places that are in a rig to produce the best products at the most competitive price (V,Kumar, 2008).When the total supply demanded is more, the consumers will benefit since the price will be lower. Simply meaning that in the absence of international trade, consumers around the world ended up having fewer suppliers who could provide the necessary good to produce their products and disturb their demands. Ultimately letting the supplier controls the market and its price. If we trust an assignment we have forward in this layer, let us consider the automobile industry of the 1950s and the place indus try. In the 1950s there were besides three companies who produced and sold cars in the unify States.Based on what we learned in this ground level it is defined as an oligopoly. The automobile industry was a highly profitable industry in the 1950s. When international cars were trade in to the United States, they were competitively priced much lower than the cars produced on home s anele, and the imported goods had intermit quality with more fuel efficiency. In turn consumers quickly shifted their interests and money to the imported vehicles. This caused local producers to be forced to lower their prices and improve their standards in order to hindrance competitive.International trade brought more options to consumers. Its providing higher levels of competition and improved quality and efficiency. With free international trade, producers can provide and fence for customers across the world. Consumer surplus is defined as, An economic measure of consumer satisfaction, which is ca lculated by analyzing the deviance between what consumers are willing to support for a good or serve well relativetoitsmarket price. A consumer surplus occurs when the consumer is willing to pay more for a given product thanthe current market price (Investopedia dictionary).When the number of suppliers in the industry increases it leads to higher levels of competition, and these market conditions found in a perfect competitive market end up being more profitable to consumers. Social cost are one of the variables that lack in all studies of economy however, as our society advances, so do come acrossionate be and this is reflecting in the markets. We have learned a wad about comparing the cost of a product and revenue generated from it In turn if we take into account the growing performance of affable costs and the social benefits that can emerge from this trend.We cannot forget that there are also marginal social costs. The marginal social cost becomes greater with each addi tional thing that happens that is considered undesirable or also knows as un-anticipated cost activity. For example, an oil beau monde that is drilling must hand its seconds on Friday to contact the minimal amount of oil harvested. This will mean there will be a marginal cost for each additional hour the oilrig must operate to reach its quota. Marginal social cost would be the upward slope that raises the cost increase with each additional output.Marginal benefits would be the gelid as marginal social cost with a downward slope. Environmental factors show the relationship connections between marginal social cost and marginal social benefit. Lets bust that all firms are constantly hard to reduce the level of pollution that they create. This is not an over night process and it does pack a significant amount of capitol. This would affect the marginal benefit. Now on a different hand lets assume that a company has been cited for not next the regulations that consecrate compan ys pollution control. This company is now required to get up to code.They are going to have to buy the new equipment that is required. This will inflate companys costs and may affect the companys ability to produce their products competitively. This could create many problems for the company but will ensure they are following required rules. Since it is for the good of society it means that the marginal social cost is beneficial than the marginal social benefit. Proving that marginal social cost and marginal social benefit lines cross where the two are equal. This class have class has taught many aspects and principles of microeconomics.It began with supply and demand and ended with marginal costs and benefits. All of the principles affect local and international firms, as well as consumers that are in both places. These studies will stop to evolve as business and society moves forward in the future.Work Cited * V,Kumar, VK. (2008, July 28). Globalizationwho benefits from it. Retri eved from http//www. helium. com/items/398030-globalization-who-benefits-from-it * Investopedia dictionary. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. investopedia. com/damage/c/consumer_surplus. asp
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