Sunday, May 24, 2020
Illegal Immigration - 1280 Words
Illegal immigration has been a source of mounting concern in the United States since the 1970’s. Statistics indicate that the past ten years have witnessed an increase in the number of illegal immigrants with the number estimated to increase in the future. â€Å"The percentage of illegal immigrant population from Mexico was 59% (or 6.8 million) as of January 2013. Other countries with large amounts are El Salvador (660,000) Guatemala (52000), Hondorous (380,000) and China (280,000)†(Infoplease 1). The rising number of illegal immigrants over the past ten years has led to an increasing concern about the effects of illegal immigrants on wages, national security, and public finances. Evidently, illegal immigration has been a source of economic†¦show more content†¦Most studies claim that illegal immigrants and their children drain public reserves. The cost of educating illegal immigrants’ children is a part of the national budget equation, and as a result, the illegal immigrants constitute a considerable drain on local public funds and on state. The issue of educating immigrants’ children led to a court ruling that those children who reside in the United States, regardless of their immigration status, are entitled to attend public schools. As a result, there is a probability that most US native families with children obtain more in local services and in the United States, especially in education, than what they pay for in local taxes and in state (Johnson Laura, 9). Illegal immigrants are net fiscal drainers, according to a study, because of their low income and low payment of taxes, not because they are big consumers of public resources. They work in low – wage occupations and generate little tax revenues. Many illegal immigrants do not collect benefits, in spite of payment of some taxes and Social Security, and they are not entitled to many government services. They use pregnancy – related health care and emergency services, and their US born children are entitled for social programs (Johnson Laura, 10). Diseases that were virtually wiped out have begun to reappear. Illegal immigrants lack insurance, citizenship status and therefore lack treatment for infectious diseases. Many ofShow MoreRelatedIllegal immigration2120 Words  | 9 PagesAlien Invasion Illegal immigration is widespread throughout the United States. There are 12 million or more illegal aliens in the United States, this number continues to rise (Swartz). This influx of illegal immigrants causes jobless Americans to lose out on opportunities. Employers choose to pay illegal immigrants lower wages than American workers. Is it right to pay illegal immigrants less than Americans to do the same job? Should the illegal immigrants be deported? Should border control be increasedRead MoreIllegal Immigration1753 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal Immigration The Economy of Illegal Immigration The Economy of Illegal Immigration Americans on a daily basis are bombarded with broadcasts from newspapers, television, and special interest groups on the economic burdens created by illegal immigrants. Reports and statistics of growing state and local deficits; is it fact or fiction? In reality, undocumented Mexicans are necessary to the health of our economy. They provide a workforce in agriculture they keep the costs down; theyRead MoreIllegal Immigration598 Words  | 3 Pagesl ARTICLE ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Migration has always represented an important factor in society’s development. Ever since ancient times, people have been travelling around the world, some staying only for a while, some choosing to set (A SE STABILI) in certain areas, getting married and starting a family with a local partner. Consequently, cultures and languages mixed and this is how powerful nations like England, The USA, Germany were born. This phenomenon of migration also takes place nowadaysRead MoreIllegal Immigration1709 Words  | 7 PagesIllegal Immigration: The Undocumented Issue In this paper I will discuss one of the biggest issues in the United States: Illegal immigrants. Some may say that illegal immigration has a positive impact on the United States’ economy, and some think that these undocumented immigrants affect jobs and wages of people that are living in this country. I think that illegal immigrants harm the United States’ economy through their use of our country’s social services such as health care, education andRead MoreIllegal Immigration : Illegal Immigrants949 Words  | 4 PagesIllegal immigrants have been a hot topic lately due to the popularity of this topic amongst the Republican Presidential Nominees, especially Donald Trump. These illegal immigrants bring various things to this country when they come. Some things are positive, such as a family simply seeking to find a better life, while some things are harmful to the United States, such as the amount of crime among illegal immigrants. In July 2015, the most recen t estimate of illegal immigrants was 11.2 million. ThisRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration1286 Words  | 6 Pages Undocumented Immigration An analysis of illegal immigration in the United States reveals one challenge facing the banks and other institutions: whether to provide banking and other services to the illegal immigrants or to treat them as criminals because they are illegal and therefore, not to provide them with banking and other services. The articles, â€Å"Crossing the Line†by Stein and â€Å"Illegal Immigrants – They’re Money,†by Rodriguez discuss the impact of illegal immigration in the United StatesRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Illegal Immigrants1335 Words  | 6 PagesIllegal immigration has been one of the main topics during the last three presidential election. Many bills and laws have been passed in order to keep them out but is it really necessary to neglect illegal immigrant? Most Americans believe that illegal immigrants are only people of Mexicans or Latin American descent but illegal immigrants can be from any race or country. Illegal immigration is defined by United States Department of Homeland Security as â€Å"†¦ all foreign-born non-citizens who are notRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration964 Words  | 4 PagesA. Attention Step (quotation, question, or story) About four months ago in government class, we had a class discussion. The topic was illegal immigration. One student said that America should send the illegal immigrants back to their country because they are taking American’s jobs. He stated that he would send his dad back to Mexico because he is an illegal immigrant. Going around the circle that we created, everyone gave their opinions, most disagreed, but some agreed with the student. When itRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration1155 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Illegal Immigration is a huge topic especially in 2017, bringing in different aspects about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are told to be killers, drug dealers, job stealers and whom also hurt the U.S. economy. Is this true? Could it possibly be that they do all of this to hurt the United States? Or could it be that they truly come here for the American Dream? On one side of people’s perspectives illegal immigrants come here to help provide for their family and don’t takeRead MoreIllegal Immigration Should Be Illegal Essay959 Words  | 4 PagesIllegal Immigration Illegal Immigration has been a problem in United States for the past few years. Each year around 500,000 immigrants come into America illegally. Many try sneaking across the border, others are smuggled into the U.S. via shipping containers, in vehicles (automobile trucks) crossing the border at non-authorized locations. While some get caught, others quickly spread throughout the U.S. as far as Maine and New Hampshire. Since the 1960s till these present-day illegals continue
Monday, May 18, 2020
The And Redefining Expectations Of Quality Television
Battlestar Galactica Rebooted, Refurbished, and Redefining Expectations of Quality Television In 2002 Ron Moore began working on an updated, reimagined take on the 1970’s Science Fiction show Battlestar Galactica. With the help of producer David Eick, Moore created a miniseries event that was one part film, one part pilot for a new breed of televised Science Fiction drama. Combining elements present in other Quality Television shows, Battlestar Galactica (BSG) redefined the expectations of consumers for what Science Fiction could achieve in a TV setting. Utopian narratives such as Star Trek, while providing allegorical commentary on present events, were still in some ways unapproachable for the uninitiated audience. The reimagined Battlestar Galactica incorporated modern elements present in quality TV to attract a larger and more sophisticated fan base. Combined with a clear vision, gritty narratives, complex characters and smart dialogue, Battlestar Galactica is one of the clearest examples of qu ality TV present in the Second Golden Age of Television. The term â€Å"Quality Television†is in itself both a colloquialism, and an academic critical lens. While in the everyday vernacular to friends and colleagues, we may use the term Quality Television, at that time we may only be expressing our opinion. Quality Television by an academic standard is used to describe TV that has a high production value and cinematic feel, a detailed and serialized plot, complex characters, sex andShow MoreRelated21st Century Leadership Of Willie Robertson1477 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosophy is his commitment and dedication to keep his customers, employees and vendors happy throughout the entire aspect of the business practices while continuing to stay true to his faith. His leadership style is also evident and can be seen in the quality products and dedicated employees that his company has. As Chief Executive Officer, Robertson utilizes a transformational leadership approach to develop and maintain a unique organizational culture that is ingrained in happiness and the company’sRead MoreThe Sound Recording Amendment Act1401 Words  | 6 Pagescopyright laws by U.S District Judge Stephen V. Wilson in 2003. Currently, after Apple Computers launch of their iTunes online music store, the market of legal downloading of audio files continues to expand; threatening the sale of physical CDs and redefining music consumption as a whole. The sales of online and physical forms of audio are a small portion of the music industry. Record Labels were created in order to financially mange the production of audio. Larger labels are sectioned off into branchesRead MoreAfrican-American Beauty1684 Words  | 7 Pagesbecause of what she’s seen on television or heard on the radio so that as a young woman she constantly feels the need to conform to a patriarchal society’s standards of beauty in order to be accepted. Now let’s look at this transition in a young female’s life through the eyes of an African-American girl who grows up being told to wear this and to do her hair like this in order to look pretty. At such a young age, she may not have been affected by the demands and expectations of beauty that was put uponRead MoreEssay on Gender Diversity in the Workplace1456 Words  | 6 Pagesmaintaining a balance of unbiased professionalism has become the primary challenge faced by today’s supervisor. Where once we expected organization and task management to be top priorities, today’s workplace leaders must be held to an equally high expectation of social acceptance while maintaining an unbiased supposition of responsibility. A sharp juxtaposition between empathy (for the personal needs of the individual) and responsibility (for the business needs of the company). Finding individuals thatRead More The World of Transgender, Homosexual, and Intersex Individuals1756 Words  | 8 Pagessimply a static characteristic based on one’s physical appearance. The more dynamic process of gendering, however, defines â€Å"man†and â€Å"woman,†teaches one to see and internalize what is expected from one’s gender, and to act according to those expectations (Lorber 2006). When one’s biological sex and one’s internal gender are the same (a female with a vagina or a male with a penis), one is cissexual, or non-transgender. However, when one is born with the inappropriate sexual equipment, one isRead MoreSex and Gender1775 Words  | 8 Pagesis simply a static characteristic based on one’s physical appearance. The more dynamic process of gendering, however, defines â€Å"man†and â€Å"woman,†teaches one to see and internalize what is expected from one’s gender, and to act according to those expectations (Lorber 2006). When one’s biological sex and one’s internal gender are the same (a female with a vagina or a male with a penis), one is bisexual, or non-transgender. However, when one is born with the inappropriate sexual equipment, one is transgenderRead MoreThe Second Shift By Arlie Russell Hochschild1881 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"The Second Shift†by Arlie Russell Hochschild sheds light on the fact that America is stuck in a perpetual loop, unable to change its societal gender expectations. Substantial progress has been made when it comes to women in the workplace, but that same progress is lacking when it comes to a woman’s work within the home. When looking at employed women the term â€Å"second shift†can be brought to the forefront. The expression â€Å"second shift†refers to the tasks done around the house after the initialRead MoreMacro Environment Factors on Cinema2883 Words  | 12 PagesSingapore, predominantly an import exhibition market has ambitious plans to develop its film and cinematic capabilities over the next decade (Singapore Media Fusion, accessed 21 May 2010). The local cinema goer has become more discerning as consumer expectations remain high. Patrons are now spoilt for choice when deciding which film to watch and where to watch it. One of the biggest attractions of a Cineplex is that it is a social experience. As such, it is important for multi-screen cinema operators likeRead MoreThe Gender Gap Within The Workplace1778 Words  | 8 Pagescentury has seen LGBT marriage pass in a number of states and LGBT issues at the top of political agenda. Apropos to the submission of this paper, 16.9 million people watched two months ago as Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner spoke on national television about his transition from male to female. In short, today, birth gender in America and Western Europe is less defining than ever before. There is mass acceptance in Western culture of ideology that supports gender and gender relationships as aRead MoreSocial Class and Education, An Annotated Bibliography Essay2158 Words  | 9 Pagesselective institutions, locking less privileged students out (Banks Banks, 2013). Greater access to the best universities helps privileged students maintain their class status, independent of their individual qualities. Consequently, privileged students have greater access to higher quality resources than do less privileged students attending less selective institutions, thereby inhibiting movement up the social class ladder (Banks Banks, 2013). Banks and Banks close the discussion by drawing
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Frankenstein vs. the Metamorphosis - 704 Words
In Mary Shelly’s epistolary Frankenstein and Franz Kafka’s novella â€Å"The Metamorphosis,†the authors explore the dangerous impact of society and rejection. Both creatures are rejected and isolated by their families have been defined as monsters. But, the authors force the reader to look past physical appearance to uncover who the real monster is, society; it defines what make us human. Society defines others solely based on what they see, disregarding any humane characteristics they may possess. To fully understand how society impacts the creatures in each story the reader must look at their actions before they were defined as monsters. Frankenstein’s creature wanted affection, love and attention from none other than his own creator†¦show more content†¦The creature in Frankenstein was good-natured until those he held dear to him, such as the family in the woods and Victor, repeatedly rejected him. Any being that is not shown love and af fection at a young age is more likely to be deviant and violent, which is how the creature begins to act when he is rebuffed. Society made him out to be a monster and that is when he began his monstrous habits, taking his revenge against Victor and killing those who Victor loved. Likewise, Gregor is physically transformed into a bug, losing his human capabilities to provide for his family. His worth was determined by how much he provided for them. After his transformation, he is no longer wanted or needed by his family and he becomes more of a burden. Grete is the only one willing to look past his insect body and she sees her brother, the human being, not a grotesque insect. But, once Gregor loses his ability to communicate and function like an ideal human, not even Grete can stand to look at him. Neither Frankenstein’s creation nor Gregor met the standards set by society and they were punished for it. However, both creatures were valuable to their creators at one point. Frankenstein wanted to create a beautiful life but once he saw that it was hideous, he only wanted to get rid of it. The Samsa’s relied on Gregor to pay off their debt and provide their basicShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality in Victorian and Elizabethan Literature.6608 Words  | 27 Pagesand managed to reverse them, making men faint like women, and making women powerful like men, and called it Dracula. Mary Shelley created a a physical being out of a mans suppressed homosexuality due to his Victorian male upbringing; a man named Frankenstein. Robert Stevenson described what happens when a homosexual male attempts to live double lives to cover up his true feelings, and entitled it The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Elizabethan era, like the Victorian era, had its own viewRead More How to Read Lit Like a Prof Notes3608 Words  | 15 Pageseither in plot or theme or both. Examples: i. Hamlet: heroic character, revenge, indecision, melancholy nature ii. Henry IVâ€â€a young man who must grow up to become king, take on his responsibilities iii. Othelloâ€â€jealousy iv. Merchant of Veniceâ€â€justice vs. mercy v. King Learâ€â€aging parent, greedy children, a wise fool 7. †¦Or the Bible a. Before the mid 20th century, writers could count on people being very familiar with Biblical stories, a common touchstone a writer can tap b. Common Biblical stories
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
John Updikes A P Essay - 1471 Words
John Updikes A P At first read, John Updikes A P contrasts old and new; the old manager in his settled life conflicting with the new age of girls wearing bathing suits in buildings. All the while, the narrator stuck in the middle, finally deciding to join the side of new, or youth. Instead of old vs. new, an observation closer to the heart of the story is conflict between the worlds of the rich and the middle class. ?A P? is the setting for one man to decide in which way he will seek to follow his life, standing on his own two feet and treating everyone as equals, or bowing before the wealthy, and searching for his own riches above all else. In walk three girls into a grocery store in bathing suits. They?re far enough†¦show more content†¦The money in their families allowed them to come to this place on vacation and while here, the girls relied on the power that comes with their wealth and felt the need to assert themselves as different to everyone else. Sure the guys in the store gawked at the girls for their beauty and lack of clothing, but it was their willingness to walk in the store that way that got Sam?s full attention. There are probably beautiful girls who live in the town who Sam would find very attractive in a bathing suit, but they would never walk into their local A P dressed that way, so it was these girls? audacity in walking like this that gave them his attention. Also, it was the girls? wealth that gave them the courage to be so bold. Not everyone is impressed with the girls however. The manager, Lengel, comes over to the cash register and immediately begins to tell the girls off for coming into the store dressed as such. When Lengel says that he wants the girls decently dressed when they come into the store, the head of the group of girls, Queenie, realizes that Lengel knows why the girls came in. Updike writes, We are decent,? Queenie says suddenly, her lower lip pushing, getting sore now that she remembers her place, a place from which the crowd that runs the A P must look pretty crummy.? Here Queenie realizes that not everyone may accept her boldness just because of her classShow MoreRelatedJohn Updike’s AP1429 Words  | 6 Pageseven in usage of language. The new generations try to express themselves as something different from the old, embracing new slang, trying to form a separation between themselves and the previous generation. In John Updike’s â€Å"A P†, a teenage boy named Sammy works at a local store called AP. Sammy is a young casher, that stands up to his boss and he stands up for three girls who are dressed in bathing suits. Sammy lives in a small town, where nothing really happens. There is a struggle within everyRead MoreJohn Updikes AP Essay767 Words  | 4 PagesIn John Updike’s short story, AP the writer takes you on a youths memory that involves the choices and consequences that life can deal to anyone who has not had time to test a rash decision. The narrator is an immature nineteen-year-old cashier who is about to make a giant leap from adolescence to manhood. Sammy narrates with opinions of not only his life, but also the people in the town. Sammy opposes with the way these people live their lives, and is determined to set a different course for hisRead MoreSymbolism in John Updikes A P1440 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Updikes short story A P recounts how an adolesce nt supermarket cashier named Sammy has his life changed forever when three girls in bathing suits shop in the store where he works. He is the first person narrator who shapes the tale with his descriptions, attitudes and opinions. He is the protagonist who grows up quickly in a single day and the only round, fully developed character in the tale. As you proceed through the story and become acquainted with Sammys opinions and ideas, it becomesRead MoreEssay on John Updikes AP865 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Updikes AP Many of the events that take place in John Updikes AP would not have happened had the town lived under a Marxist society. Marxism is a socio-economic ideal where all people work for the good of the community and is characterized by not having any social class distinctions. The division of Classes in AP is very apparent, especially between Sammy, the protagonist and first person narrator, and the three girls, one of the three antagonists, who walk into the storeRead MoreJohn Updikes AP Essay1355 Words  | 6 Pages Winners Sometimes Quit Try and remember what it was like to be a teenager. The short story â€Å"Aamp;P†tells the coming of age story of a nineteen year old boy named Sammy. Sammy has unknowingly placed himself into a situation that many small town adolescents often fall victim to. Sammy has a dead end job, and he feels as though he will be stuck working at the local â€Å"Aamp;P†while life passes him by. This is until a chance encounter with three young female customers changes his course from miniRead MoreEssay on Personality in John Updikes AP1275 Words  | 6 Pagescharacter to make them stand out in a story.nbsp; In A amp; P by John Updike, Sammy starts off as a young man discontent with his ordinary adult surroundings and moves to his need to change it. Throughout the story, Sammy describes and interprets the scenes around him, consequently revealing his own character, by which can be related through the use of Thomas Chous Ennegram, to distinguish his personality type. nbsp; John Updike gives the reader an inside look into the adolescent mindRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updikes AP Essay1544 Words  | 7 PagesJohn Updikes story AP talks about a 19-year old lad, Sammy, who has a job at the local grocery store, the AP. Sammy works at the register in the store and is always observing the people who walk in and out each day. On this particular day that the story takes place, Sammy is caught off guard when a cluster of girls walk into the store wearing just their bathing suits. This caught Sammys attention because the nearest beach is five miles away and he could not figure out why they would still beRead MoreChanges (John Updikes AP) Essay914 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 1302.2E1 Changes Breaking away from the traditional is a struggle that contains several sacrifices and consequences. In John Updike’s â€Å"AP,†Sammy is a young teenager who transforms his wishes into reality. At first glance, he seems like a normal teenage boy, but instead he is an observational character who is trying to find a way to stand up for himself. Throughout the story, he undergoes changes toRead MoreJohn Updikes aP : Sammys Growth1545 Words  | 7 PagesJohn Updikes AP : Sammys Growth John Updikes story AP is about a nineteen year old boy, Sammy, who has a job at the local grocery store, the AP. Sammy works at the register in the store and is always observing the people who walk in and out each day. On this particular day that the story takes place, Sammy is caught off guard when a cluster of girls walk into the store wearing just their bathing suits. This caught Sammys attention because the nearest beach is five miles away and he couldRead MoreRebellion And Symbolism In John Updikes A P1842 Words  | 8 PagesThe short story â€Å"A P,†tells the story of a nineteen-year-old boy named Sammy who works in the local town grocery store. Sammy is the narrator of the story; one day while he was working at the cash register, three girls wearing nothing but bathing suits walk in. He instantaneously notices the girls, one in particular. He named her Queenie and she is seen as the leader or ‘queen bee’ of the three girls. As these girls walk th rough the grocery store they start to create a scene and get the attention
Unit 4 Essay Free Essays
Unit 4 assignment instructions This week, our writing assignment focuses on individual definitions of happiness. For this writing assignment, you will prepare and conduct interviews with two people about their definition of happiness, how they gained this view, and whether they feel happiness is achievable. Choose two people who vary in age and experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 4 Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Only one of the subjects can be someone you know well. This is an opportunity to learn about acquaintances and strangers as well. These should be face-to-face interviews. Introduce this assignment by introducing each subject one at a time. Who are they? What is the nature of your relationship? Next, ask a variety of questions to get them to consider not just their definition of happiness, but its origins and development. You can use these sample questions to get you started, but should add more questions or change the interview as it develops: Has your definition of happiness changed over time? What experiences have influenced your definition? Do you expect the definition to change again? Follow the Unit 4 template for this assignment in DocSharing. It includes submitting a transcript of your interviews, including your questions, so take notes or record the discussion. Finally, you should draw conclusions about the process and the answers that were given. Compare and contrast the results of the interviews. Discuss what was similar or different in the replies, whether the subjects were honest, or if the concept of happiness was difficult to define. The essay should be at least 750 words and should employ terms from the text. The assignment should be completed in Microsoft Word and should follow the template provided for the sample transcript, essay, and reference page. CLA assessment: This unit 4 assignment corresponds to the CLA rubric for HU300-02; please review the CLA rubrics document available under Course Home. APA formatting: Incorporate APA citations throughout the analysis as well as a references section at the end of the analysis. (The references section does NOT count towards the required word count for the Unit 4 assignment. ) Review the APA quick reference guide on the left-hand sidebar under course home for APA formatting guidelines. How to cite Unit 4 Essay, Essays
Capability Larger a Bank Financial Risks and Asymmetric Information
Question: Discuss about the Larger a Bank the Better is its Ability to Diversify. Answer: The statement to assess is the capability of larger banks. The topic suggests that larger banks should not be limited by the regulators as the larger pool of the asset means diversification of the portfolio. From the regulators perspective it means higher risk which has potential to engulf lot out of financial system. Large banking demands are a key business driver for regulator decisions in this industry sector. A large bank uses a broad range of technology-centric capabilities that enable new methods of interaction and service delivery to augment customer experience and potentially transform the business (Admati, 2014). These capabilities are supported by a robust, dynamic and accessible large infrastructure and an open banking system that transforms the analog environment. However, for many banks, their application portfolio represents transactional interaction support that matches consumer expectations of banking from decades past (Khairi, 2015). The demands of today's banking customers transcend ATM ubiquity and the convenience of branch banking locations. Traditional banks that aspire to compete with disruptive financial technology firms have to focus on the formerly defined mid-office and back-office technologies with specific attention on supporting hardware platforms. The challenge for many of today's modernization projects is not simply a change in technology, but often a fundamental restructuring of application architectures and deployment models. Mainframe hardware and software architectures have defined the structure of applications built on this platform for the last 50 years. Tending toward large-scale, monolithic systems that are predominantly customized, they represent the ultimate in size, complexity, reliability and availability. Today's modern computing environments represent a very different model. Commodity x86, scale-out environments define a different set of technologies, database management system (DBMS) platforms and architectures. Modernizing legacy systems from a mainframe architecture to a distributed one is a major challenge for any large-scale financial institution (Grubel2014). There is a distinct retreat by bank CIOs from high-cost, complex mid-office and back-office environments to easier-accessed functionality promoted by component-based solutions. Simplification, agility and operational efficiency are the primary drivers behind banks' efforts to abandon legacy solutions and past deployment practices. While many organizations that are dependent on mainframe architectures could have modernized their existing portfolios over time in an evolutionary fashion, many chose to avoid the risk of change and preserve their extant systems, continuing to leverage their current staff resources. As the reality of the demographic shift of baby boomers became clearer to many organizations, this risk-averse option is becoming more problematic (Laeven2013). Now, the ability to attack such a massive application portfolio and restructure it for modern languages and platforms is seen as a great risk. The procrastination of yesterday's regulator organizations is now driving di fferent modernization decisions, including moving to commercially available packaged solutions for many use cases, including core banking. These capabilities are supported by a robust, dynamic and accessible large infrastructure and an open banking system that transforms the analog environment. However, for many banks, their application portfolio represents transactional interaction support that matches consumer expectations of banking from decades past (Schludi, 2015). In the face of new bank entrants, financial institutions are under increasing pressure to formulate and execute large banking strategies. Designed to transform traditional banking models, these strategies are predominantly technology-supported initiatives impacting customer-facing channels through to the back office. As bank CEOs expect large revenues to dramatically expand to 47% by 2019, CIO-led large banking programs are expected to have a significant impact on upcoming regulator decisions (White, 2014). Accommodating new areas of regulator investment for large banking have to be offset with corresponding reductions in tactical, regulator commodity spending. Many banks are pursuing core banking renewal to simultaneously reverse traditional regulator spending patterns and replace them with lower-cost, agile platforms. This is easier said than done, as many of the existing regulator systems in support of the overall bank are mission-critical and demand high availability, reliability and performance. Shifting from scale-up architectures (such as the mainframe) to scale-out environments (commonly x86) requires significant investment in understanding the existing systems in great detail, but also a rethinking of the implementation in a modern, multiserver world. Banks need to be able to justify the cost and risk of any modernization project. This can be difficult in the face of a well-proven, time-tested portfolio that has represented the needs of the banking system for decades. However, the demands for modern banking solutions, which are increasingly targeting a different demographic, require extensive change to the existing systems. The alternative has been to add layers of technology on top of the existing legacy systems, which tend to increase cost and complexity (Reinhart, 2013). Many modernization inquiries from our customers are not simply about an aging technology stack, or even aging workforce, but rather about fundamental changes in the business. Banking CIOs should embrace a large-first, outside-in thought process when modernizing their legacy portfolios. Modern consumers of banking have expectations set by their experiences with Amazon, Google or Facebook. These expectations are less predictable than in the past and make it more difficult to instantiate a business process in code and expect that code to last for decades, as has been the case for much of the extant banking portfolio (Martins, 2014). Today's systems must be built to change, and not to last! Dependent on a bank's market strategy and segmentation, organizations are increasingly considering broad-based, functional, packaged solutions for existing systems of record, or the usage of commercial off-the-shelf coarse-grain components (BPM, BI query, analytics, report writers) to implement their replacement systems. In support of large banking ambitions, many industry CIOs aim to migrate resources from commodity systems (such as core banking) and redirect them to differentiating technologies that directly impact the customer experience. References: Admati, A., Hellwig, M. (2014).The bankers' new clothes: What's wrong with banking and what to do about it. Princeton University Press Schludi, M. H., May, S., Grsser, F. A., Rentzsch, K., Kremmer, E., Kpper, C., ... Edbauer, D. (2015). Distribution of dipeptide repeat proteins in cellular models and C9orf72 mutation cases suggests link to transcriptional silencing.Acta neuropathologica,130(4), 537-555 Khairi, M. S., Baridwan, Z. (2015). An empirical study on organizational acceptance accounting information systems in Sharia banking.The International Journal of Accounting and Business Society,23(1), 97-122 Grubel, H. G. (2014). A theory of multinational banking.PSL Quarterly Review,30(123) Reinhart, C. M., Rogoff, K. S. (2013). Banking crises: an equal opportunity menace.Journal of Banking Finance,37(11), 4557-4573 White, E. N. (2014).The regulation and reform of the American banking system, 1900-1929. Princeton University Press Laeven, L., Valencia, F. (2013). Systemic banking crises database.IMF Economic Review,61(2), 225-270 Martins, C., Oliveira, T., Popovi?, A. (2014). Understanding the Internet banking adoption: A unified theory of acceptance and use of technology and perceived risk application.International Journal of Information Management,34(1), 1-13
Monday, May 4, 2020
Global Unethical Practices That Need Political Attentions - Samples
Question: Discuss about the Global Unethical Practices That Need Political Attentions. Answer: Introduction: In this post-globalisation era, the increasing level of unethical practices in businesses among different countries are creating more issues by creating more wealth for the wealthy countries, whereas, less wealth for poor economic countries. Presently, different developed countries especially USA develops the trade by bypassing the fair play of conducting businesses. After the Second World War, an effective rule was developed for conducting an ethical business and helps different other countries in conducting their business freely. However, in the present5 time US president Trump is establishing different policies by reducing the free trade. Different developed nations are concentrating on their own profitability rather than concentrating on the development of the nations. However, despite of the fact, political leaders do not concentrate on the development but they only focus on the trade development. This study provides a clear overview regarding different unethical practices and i t also describes how political leaders are avoiding this issue and only focuses on the trade development. For conducting the study, first a brief overview regarding the ethical issues has been provided and then different types of ethical theory is applied in that contexts in order to understand the ethical issues with betterment. Critical analysis: In the present era, along with the development of time, different developed countries are facing dog-eat dog world of the compromise along with the opacity. However, developed nations such as USA are not shifting towards the isolationist nation but they are mainly associated with following the protectionists trade policies before the economic health of world. It has been observed that trades are mainly reverts the rule book that were established in 19th century and the present American president Donald Trump is mainly responsible for this shifts. Donald trump has developed a bargain with the Mexico and Canada for facilitating a Nafta free trade deal. Along with that, Donald Trump has promised a tariff on every metal of different countries by 10 and 25% (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). This situation can create negative impact on different countries that supplies metal to USA because it increases their export costs and create le sser level of profitability for the organisation and country that supply material to USA. This situation has highly affected Canada because they are the country that supplies large amount of metals. Therefore, charging tax despite of the exemptions can create higher level of impact on Canada because it can negatively impact different Canadian industries. It has been observed that Donald Trump is mainly elevating USA above their neighbours and mainly thinks about the profitability of the USA irrespective of the development of global economic factors (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). In the contrary, different developing countries such as India is mainly concentrated on the development of the country rather than gaining profitability in the organisation. The same strategy is followed by the president of China for reducing poverty in the country. However, Donald trump do not have any concentration on the reduction of poverty or development of the economy, the only thing that are considered by them is the achievement of the profitability. UK also participates in the dog-eat-dog works for earning more profit in their country by outdo their rivals along with bringing more profitability by reducing the outsourcing of different sectors such as service sectors along with the manufacturing sectors. Though, Britain has not implemented any kind of levy on different foreign country for importing any goods, however, they have makes decision for increasing employability along with the profitability to stop different outsourcing. Therefore, it can be said that different develo ped countries has taken various types of measures in developing their earning but none of them has no interest in developing the global economy (Scotti, 2018). Therefore, it can be said that these countries are avoiding the ethics to follow a free trade policies with several countries with whom they have a good relationship. However, this scenario is not applicable in every context because EU is one of the economic fortresses that has maintained their free trade policies and has not restricted the access of the free trade policies. For discussing the ethics that were strictly followed in the earlier times and is still following in different countries, deontological ethical theories can be followed that mainly holds different types of actions that are rights in a moral ways and mainly follows irrespective of the consequences. From the ethical theories, it can be said that in the earlier times when the ethical practices of free trade was implemented especially among different developed countries such as there were a free trade policy among USA and Canada in the year of 2014 that mainly called as the 1994 agreements or NAFTA and the trade relationship was implemented irrespective of the point of view that tax involved in trade mainly creates higher level of earning (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). However, in the present time, USA has break the ethics with Canada and other country because they want to reduce the trade related deficit and for this reason, USA want to increase exports and want to reduce the imports from the Mexican along with the Canadian organisation. along with that USA has took several steps in making their country profitable with the help of several ways such as making telecommunication organisation of USA to operate in the NAFTA countries, creating more contract with the government of NAFTA countries etcetera. However, USA did not have implemented any kind of policies regarding the development of the world economy and they only consider the individual profitability (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). Application of ethical theories in that context: In that consequence, positive and the negative rights theory can be applicable. Here, the negative rights theory mainly demonstrated that an action is right if it can protect any individual from harm from other people or government of different countries that mainly exercising their rights (What are Deontological Ethical Theories?definition and meaning - Business Jargons, 2018). Therefore, by applying the theory in that consequences, it can be said that this theory is mainly applicable in the earlier time while free trade policies were effectively applied among different countries and when different countries carets more agreement among each other in order to generate an effective profitability by ensuring the mutual advantages. However, in the present time, USA is developing those policies that charge a higher level of tax with different countries with which they have a good relationship (Scotti, 2018). Therefore, this situation mainly harms the other developed countries such as Can ada and Mexico. Moreover, UK is also takes an effective step in reducing their outsourcing of different sectors. Therefore, it can be said that this new strategy of the UK government can harm the developing or developed countries to which they mainly outsource their different sectors. Therefore, according to the theory, this practice can be said as unethical because the decision of the political leaders in different developed countries mainly harms other countries with which they currently have an effective agreement. This is because, as per the theory, it has been observed that the action is only rights in that consequences when it protects any individual from the harm but in that cases, the action of developed countries is harming the other countries which is unethical (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). In the contrary, the positive rights theory mainly demonstrated the fact that any action of individual or entity is right if it tends to provide the things to other entity or individual those are effectively needed by them (What are Deontological Ethical Theories?definition and meaning - Business Jargons, 2018). In that case, the thing that are needed by every developing as well as developed countries are the trade related facilities, therefore, if free trade policy would be continuously maintained among different developed countries, then it can be said that it is ethical practices which were applicable in the earlier times. On the other hand, if it has been observed that the need of other entity is not considered and only the profitability of different nations are considered by the developed nations, then it can be said to be an unethical practices. After the Second World War, the ethical practices were implemented by considering an effective bi-lateral trade relationship with the other countries so that both the countries can achieve advantages. Therefore, it can be said that during that time, an effective and ethical relationship were established. Among countries but in the present time, USA has developed the policy that can only profitable for their nation but it can harm the other countries under the NAFTA trade relationship. USA has developed the policy to increase the tax on different products such as tax but they have makes it mandatory that the NAFTA countries need to buy American products, which is one of the terrible policies without considering the benefits of others (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). On the other hand, social contract theories are there that mainly demonstrated that people that in contract with each other need to be abide by every political along with the moral obligations towards the society (What are Deontological Ethical Theories?definition and meaning - Business Jargons, 2018). Therefore, as per the theory, it can be said that if there is not any kind of law or order then it can create unlimited freedom. Therefore, according to the theory, ethics is following free trade among different countries by following a moral as well as political overview (Scotti, 2018). Though, this theory may be used in the wrong way which may create higher level of crime if it is applicable in the inappropriate ways. However, it has been observed that in that particular case, this ethical theory can helps in understandings the necessity of free trade so that it can be applicable in the developed countries for developing benefits for different countries. However, in this era of post globalisations most of the developed countries are mainly consider their own profitability along with benefits. As a result, they are thinking about the reduction of the free trade. As USA is one of the strongest countries among all of the nations so that they are creating pressures on different partnership countries for providing taxes, they even creating pressure on Canada who is the largest buyer of products of USA (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). Therefore, this practice of USA is unethical in nature because they are not following the ethics that need to be followed to help their partnership countries. In the contrary according to the social justice theory, any action is considered to be appropriate as well as right if it shows the fairness in the retributive, distributive along with the compensatory dimensions of the rewards as well as costs (What are Deontological Ethical Theories?definition and meaning - Business Jargons, 2018). Among this entire dimension, distributive dimension clearly shows the fact regarding perceived fairnesss for the distribution of the social benefits along with the burden among the member of groups. Therefore, by applying the dimension it can be said that after forming any group, there should not be any kind of burden among the group member but it has been observed that different free trade related burden are developing among the team countries of free trade. This is because UK and USA are creating burdens regarding trade (Scotti, 2018). However, it is seen that UK was a country that were a member of EU but they have left the EU for gaining more profitab ility and developing trade relationship with several developing nations of Asia. However, after the Brexit, UK has faced inflation and in that consequence for reviving their economic condition, the country has decided to stop the outsourcing of the service and the manufacturing sector for gaining more profitability. In the contrary, the case of USA is completely different; they have restricted the free trade policy among the NAFTA countries because they want to achieve more profitability (NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou, 2018). Therefore, this situation creates ethical issues because the strategy of these strong developed countries are not following fairnesss in trade. In the contrary, the retributive dimension mainly considers the punishments that are mainly proportionate to the extent of the crime. However, in that case, developed nations are not doing any crime, the only thing that they are doing is not following the ethics for bus inesses and charge some extra levy that can create restriction in free trade and develop an ineffective trade related decision that can harm those countries that are doing huge businesses with the USA, however, for this unethical behaviour of the USA, punishments are not effective because legally the current level of attitude of the USA cannot be called as the illegal. There are huge differences in the unethical and the illegal behaviour. In the contrary, compensatory dimension mainly demonstrated the ways by which people are generally compensated based on the injuries they have faced. From the case, it is seen that the political leaders of different developed nations are creating policies for developing their own economy and they have a lack of focus on the development of the world economy. USA is establishing the law for increasing the corporate tax by 15 to 20% and for this reason; they have decided to not provide any kind of compensation because they believe that for gaining mor e profitability in the country, it is always necessary in reducing the trade deficit by implementing an effective level of tax. Conclusions and recommendation: From the above discussion, it is clear that ethical issues that in the present time, ethical issues in trade are continually increasing that can create a constant ethical issue and for the activity of several developed countries, a long term trade issues can be generated among different countries. It is seen that USA want to stop free trade for Canada which in turns can generate a stoppage of the free trade by Canada for different countries that mainly conducts their business in Canada. These situations can ultimately generate a complete stoppage of the trade and as a result cost of operation can be increased in the world. For this reason, some smaller companies especially from the developing countries may face issues in expanding their business in the overseas countries. Therefore, the situation can ultimately generate the termination of different organisation and the countries that may suffer are the developing countries because they may get an economically downturn industries. Mor eover, stopping outsource of the service sectors of the UK in several developed along with the developing countries can create more loss of jobs. This situation can create an ultimate downturn condition in the economy of the world. Therefore, it can be said that the currently focuses of the political leaders of different developed countries can ultimately generate a terrible word economy. Therefore, for reducing the impact, it is necessary to follow different recommendations such as: Developing tax rate by consulting with the member countries is necessary so that certain implementation of the tax rates cannot create a bad trade relationship. The tax rate needs to be established in that way so that it cannot destroy the trade relationship with the countries with which they have a good relationship. Along with that, it is necessary to establish a constant tax rates for every sector and for every country so that it can reduce the confusion regarding the trade and create a good bond among different countries. However, there is one ultimate solution that can reduce at these issues that is implementing free trade among different set of countries so that mutual benefits of those countries can be secured. References: NAFTA, Trump and Canada: A guide to the trade file and what it could mean foryou. (2018).The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 15 March 2018, from Scotti, M. (2018).A year of Trump: How Canada has been affected by the predictably unpredictable president.Global News. Retrieved 15 March 2018, from What are Deontological Ethical Theories?definition and meaning - Business Jargons. (2018).Business Jargons. Retrieved 15 March 2018, from
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