Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Finding the Best How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself
Finding the Best How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself Know your objectives, know your objectives and do not switch off the intended path. Based on your dream, the tools you will need will either be simple to find or extremely difficult to get. Before you begin a project, consider why you would like to do it. As soon as it's important to select a project that isn't results-dependent, that doesn't indicate you should ignore metrics. Prayer Prayer deserves a tremendous shout-out. Creating unique blog ideas may not be simple in the start. Finding an intriguing blog post topic isn't always simple. Choosing How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself Is Simple In fact, a seasoned writer can get the job done much faster than any student as they've been writing academic assignments during their entire life. Analyze what you have to write in the essay and the way you want the readers to react to it. Nowadays it's very difficult to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. Ask three distinct experts what a personal essay is and you'll probably get three distinct answers. The degree of marketing required in your career can change from job to job, but regardless, it's important to get a strong comprehension of the marketing and advertising targets and relationship behind what you're designing. It's essential that the statement portrays the applicant's personality when keeping up a professional tone. Actually, the personal statement is the one most important part of your whole application. As opposed to using a conventional thesis statement you can set forth a societal observation that ties into first topic of your essay. The elements of your topic will ascertain the subparagraphs of the principal body. Among the biggest misconceptions about the personal essay is that it's a chance to compose your entire life's story. Whether you're a novice writer or an experienced one, you always will need to begin with a structured strategy. You develop into a contributor rather than a consumer. New Step by Step Roadmap for How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself It is possible to write about whatever you want, but do make sure it's an excellent article. The simplest approach to specify the sort of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. So, as soon as you are sitting down to compose an essay, you will need to keep in mind that you need to express your personality there. An essay involve a great deal of thinking and self-analysis. Recall unpleasant moments that you discover very beneficial for your private improvement. Possessing a plan before starting to compose a piece is almost always a very good idea. You don't wish to waste time seeking your notes, research or buying supplies online when you may be working on a huge idea. Your project will acquire stale at some point should you do the very same thing over and over again. You've got every possibility of fulfilling somebody's dream if you may be bold enough to show up and share yourself. Deciding to write about the death or illness of a relative or pet, a close call in a vehicle, or an account of the huge game may make it simpler for you to conjure up and establish the emotions you would like to express, but you should be careful. You're able to list bits of your private life, but you should be cautious not to overshare. Be aware that personal should attempt to avoid repeating key words. There's no ideal solution about how to compose an effective essay. In fact, prior to making an order you may find a price quote on your essay. Writing a strategies and tricks' post is an excellent mixture of fun and useful. To structure an essay, you should simply follow the above mentioned format. If you discover that the writer did not provide just what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for an ideal writer for your paper. Today you can develop a thorough structure of the writing piece. The creative procedure is sometimes sloppy and disorganised.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Current Status and Impact of Health Care Reform - 1667 Words
To: Client Name From: Joseph Willis Subject: Current Status and Impact of Health Care Reform Date: 25 January 2011 The purpose of this report is to examine the current state of health care as well as the impacts that new legislation will have on the United States healthcare system. Specifically, this report will inspect the immediate and long term effects of the healthcare reform bill HR 3590 that was signed into law on March 23, 2010 as well as investment advice on the medical care industry. There are two main topics when it come to health care reform, coverage and cost control. Both sides of the debate recognize these as the eventual goal but both sides have different opinions on the procedure to achieving this goal. The†¦show more content†¦When it comes to the constitutionality of the individual mandate many of the bills supports will look to the commerce clause and seek justification for its passage. This portion of the debate is not just about health care, but instead about the scope and power of the federal government; if the courts decide that the individual mandate is constitutional and therefore grant the federal government the power to force citizens to buy a product from a private company in order to protect them , then the existence of the constitution will become negligible. Before the adoption of the constitution the states were reluctant to ratify it on the basis that they felt that it might grant too much power to the federal government to which James Madison, the writer of the constitution, wrote The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite (Federalist Papers #45). The reasoning behind the constitution is to limit the power of the federal government not to grant it the complete control over the lives of all citizens. Supporters will make an argument that people are forced to buy auto insurance and so there should be nothing stopping congress fromShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Universal Health Insurance Mandate On The Massachusetts Labor Market1372 Words  | 6 Pagesthe universal health insurance mandate in the Massachusetts labor market. Using a difference-in-differences (DID) model, this study focuses on the co-evolution of insurance coverage and labor markets. One found that under the recent legislation, workers from firms of varying sizes demonstrate different patterns with regards to o btaining insurance coverage. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Skateboard magazines reflect counter cultural ideologies Essay Example For Students
Skateboard magazines reflect counter cultural ideologies Essay Structuralism is based on saussurian linguistics, there is a distinction shown between the langue and the parole. The langue is the overall system or structure of language, its words, syntax, rules, conventions and meanings (Strinati, 1995, p90). Strinati demonstrates that the parole is determined by the langue, and is the actual manifestation of language. Therefore, this essay will try to reveal themes that illustrate whether subcultural magazines reinforce the resistance of dominant values and ideals, or promote themes related to the dominant culture. Semiotics is concerned with reconstructing the langue underlying certain types of parole (Thwaites, Davis Mules, 1994, p58). In addition a brief content analysis will be utilised to illustrate the consumerist nature of Sidewalk. Content analysis is a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Researchers quantify and analyze the presence, meanings and relationships of such words and concepts, then make inferences about the messages within the texts, the writer(s), the audience, and even the culture and time of which these are a part (Palmquist, 2005, www. writingcolostate. edu). Within the analysis of Sidewalk the results generated were of a mixed nature, as results signified that Sidewalk did produce examples of the subculture resisting the dominant values. However, the overwhelming theme among this study, lies within the promotion and embracement of capitalist values. From the outset Sidewalk establishes itself as a magazine which reflects mainstream ideologies. In a magazine which is designed to represent the subcultural image of skateboarding, what becomes evident is the surprising level of consumerism. Within the analysis, it was noticeable that comparisons could be easily drawn from subcultural magazines to dominant mainstream magazine. Firstly, the consumerist nature of Sidewalk was noticeable throughout the analysis, this was achieved through the glossy nature of the magazine, Sidewalk was produced entirely in colour, with an outstanding amount of adverts. The initial ten pages of the magazine were solely dedicated to advertisements, while within the whole magazine advertisements took up 57% (n. 81) of all space. In addition, pictures of skaters occasionally focused on close up shots, which seems to produce a more glamorous image of skateboarding, similar was found within previous work, reasons for this particular occurrence were attributed to the transformation of identity. Media culture (thus) provides resources for identity and new modes for identity in which look, style and image replaces such things as action and commitment as constitutive of identity, of who one is (Kellner, 1995, Cited in Wheaton, 2000, p269). As subcultures are in opposition to dominant values, one would expect aspects such as competition to be as Beal (1995) states de-emphasised. However, the subcultural nature of skateboarding is questioned, as rather than competing against ones self, the magazine focuses on the competition and the beating of others. A central focus within Sidewalk is attributed to the importance of competition, and extrinsic rewards. i 25,000 was on the line for each event (Ventura, 2001, p106). Furthermore, in addition to an enhanced focus paid to performance rather than participation, the analysis illustrated that the magazine generated issues typically associated with the bureaucratic nature of mainstream sport. As subcultures, essentially hold resistance to set rules, with a clear opposition to the bureaucratic nature of the dominant class, as the meaning of skating for many lies in the flexibility of self-government. However, Sidewalk gives the impression that skating possess tight systems of control. Skaters were judged on a best of run out of two, there was a good condensed format (Ventura, 2001, p106). Once again, this rejects the work of Beal (1995), who theorised that the popular practice of skateboarding does not use rules or organised contests (Beal, 1995, p263). Therefore, although the magazine itself reproduces values typically associated with capitalism, illustrating skateboarding is part of the dominant culture, within the articles of Sidewalk, the opinions of skaters resist the meanings behind the dominant sports culture. Mexicos War for Independence EssayAlthough, issues surrounding subcultures are of a complex nature, as skaters find themselves simultaneously resisting and reproducing the values of capitalism. References: Althusser, L. (1971). Ideology and the state. Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. London: New Left Books. Cited in Gelder, K. , ; Thornton, S. (1997). The Subcultures Reader. London: Routledge. Beal, B. (1995). Disqualifying the Official: An Exploration of Social Resistance through the Subculture of Skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal, 12(3), 252-267. Brohm, J, M. (1978). Sport a Prison of Measured Time. London: Ink Links. Crouch, D. , ; Tomlinson, A. (1994). Collective self-generated consumption: Leisure, space and cultural identity in late modernity. Cited in Wheaton, B. (2000). Just Do It: Consumption, Commitment and Identity in the Windsurfing Subculture. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17: 254-74. Donnelly, P. (1993). Subcultures in sport: Resilience and transformation; Cited in Beal, B. (1995). Disqualifying the Official: An Exploration of Social Resistance through the Subculture of Skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal, 12(3), 252-267. Featherstone, M. (1991). Consumer Culture and Postmodernism; Cited in Humphreys, D. (1997). Shreadheads go mainstream? Snowboarding and alternative youth. International Review of the Sociology of Sport, 32(2), 147-160. Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections from prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. New York: International Publishers. Guttmann, A. (1978). From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sport. New York. Guildford: Columbia University Press. Hall, S. , ; Jefferson, T. (1975). Resistance through Rituals: Youth subcultures in post-war Britain. Essex: Anchor Press Ltd. Hart, M. , ; Birrell, S. (1981). Sport in the Sociocultural Process. (3rd ED). Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C Brown Company Publishers. Hebdige, D. (1979). The Meaning of Style. London: Methuen. Heino, R. (2000). New Sports: What is so Punk about Snowboarding? Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 24 (2), 176-191. Humphreys, D. (1997). Shreadheads go mainstream? Snowboarding and alternative youth. International Review of the Sociology of Sport, 32(2), 147-160. Kellner, D. (1995). Media cultures: Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern. London ; NY: Routledge; Cited in Wheaton, B., ; Beal. B. (2003). Keeping it Real: Subcultural Media and the Discourses of Authenticity in Alternative Sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 38, 155-176. Kellner, D. (1995). Media cultures: Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern. London ; NY: Routledge; Wheaton, B. (2000). Just Do It: Consumption, Commitment and Identity in the Windsurfing Subculture. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17: 254-74. Manning, P. (1987) Semiotics ; Fieldwork. London. Newbury park. California: sage. Palmquist, M. (2005). Basic Content Analysis. http://writing. colostate. edu/references/reserach/content. (30th March 2005). Roberts, K. (1983). Youth and Leisure. London: George Allen and Unwin; Cited in Humphreys, D. (1997). Shreadheads go mainstream? Snowboarding and alternative youth. International Review of the Sociology of Sport, 32(2), 147-160. Stark, A. (2001). Chewy Cannon Haunts. Sidewalk. 60, September. Strinati, D. (1995). An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture. London. Routledge. Thwaites, T. , Davis, L. , ; Mules, W. (1994). Tools for Cultural Studies: An Introduction. Melbourne: Macmillan. Ventura, (2001). Vert Series: Summer of fun for 2001. Sidewalk. 60, September. Wheaton, B. (2000). Just Do It: Consumption, Commitment and Identity in the Windsurfing Subculture. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17: 254-74. Wheaton, B. , ; Beal. B. (2003). Keeping it Real: Subcultural Media and the Discourses of Authenticity in Alternative Sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 38, 155-176. Williams, F. S. (1997, January). Along for the ride. Womens Sports and Fitness, 19, 24-26. Cited in Heino, R. (2000). New Sports: What is so Punk about Snowboarding? Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 24 (2), 176-191.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wuthering Heights (831 words) Essay Example For Students
Wuthering Heights (831 words) Essay Wuthering HeightsCatherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living (Bronte, 163)!In this quote, Heathcliffs pain from Catherines death is obvious. Wuthering Heights is a Victorian novel regarding the lives of the Earnshaws andLintons. Through three generations, they all experience wave after wave oftragedy all originating with Heathcliffs overwhelming desire for revengeagainst the Lintons. This hatred is brought on by the treatment Heathcliffreceives from the Lintons as well as Edgar Lintons marriage to Catherine, hissoul mate. Although many passages of love are exposed in Wuthering Heights, thetrue genre of this book is tragedy due to the role of characters other thanHeathcliff, the untraditional happy ending, and the death of the heroine earlyin the story. We will write a custom essay on Wuthering Heights (831 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The role of several characters makes this novel a tragedy. Hindley,Hareton, Cathy, and Linton would be completely unneeded if this were a true lovestory. Hindley becomes Heathcliffs Nemesis from the very beginning. He iscruel and hateful towards Heathcliff. He drove him from their company to the servants, deprived him of the instructions of thecurate, and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead, compelling himto do so as hard as any other lad on the farm (Bronte, 49). Hareton is alsounessential to a love between Catherine and Heathcliff. Hareton is Hindleysson and is treated like a slave, much the way Heathcliff was treated as a boy byHindley. At one point, Heathcliff, talking to Nelly, describes what is in storefor Hareton, I know what he suffers now, for instance, exactly; it is merelya beginning of what he shall suffer, though(Bronte, 211). Hareton andCathys love does make for a reconciliation of all this tragedy. However, itis after the majority of the book and therefore does not negate the previousmisfortune. Linton is a pathetic boy who only brings disgust and general pity tothe book. Through the book, Linton is very sick. In this scene, Cathy has cometo pay him a visit, trembling, and retaining her hand as if he needed itssupport, while his large blue eyes wandered timidly over her, the hollownessround them transforming to haggard wildness the languid expression they oncepossessed (Bronte, 249). None of these characters are heroic or essential tothe love between Catherine and Heathcliff. The only possible heroic figure isHeathcliff who is evil and rotten. Furthermore, this novel does not have atraditional love story ending. Nearly the entire key characters die and mostbefore the book is halfway over. In the first half, Heathcliff and Catherine aresoul mates, yet she marries another. To the last day of her life, they argue andblame each other for their unhappiness. In their last moments together,Heathcliff berates Catherine for the pain she has caused him. I have notbroken your heart ? you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have brokenmine (Bronte, 158). True love is not selfish and does not blame. Even afterCatherine is dead, the love between Cathy and Linton is very shallow. It is nota true love story because of his apathy towards her. His lack of interest inthe subjects she stated, and his equal incapacity to contribute to herentertainment, were so obvious, that she could not conceal her disappointment(Bronte, 249). Also, Heathcliff forced them to marry. The only sense of a lovestory is at the very end when Hareton and Cathy are seen as a happy couple. But,this too was plagued by Cathys ridicule of him, Oh, you dunce (Bronte,239)! Also, this was plagued by his maltreatment of her, I was afraid for amoment, and I let one volume fall; he kicked it after me and shut us out(Bronte, 240). Even though all seems well in the end, this is not a typicalromance. .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .postImageUrl , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:hover , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:visited , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:active { border:0!important; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:active , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Freedom Fighters Essay Additionally, our heroine dies early in the novel. She is consumed withbrain fever and never recovers. Her love for Heathcliff is only apparent duringthe childhood years. Selfishness and anger overwhelm any feelings of love shehas toward him as an adult. With her gone and half the book remaining, it isimpossible to continue with any type of love story between them. In fact,Heathcliff spends the rest of his life eaten with anger and anger does not breedlove. He is even angry towards Catherine because she married Edgar instead offollowing her heart. Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not oneword of comfort (Bronte, 158). Their love is, in fact a tragedy, because itis a spiritual, rather than physical love and they are only truly united aftertheir deaths. There seem to be no feelings of happiness related to any feelingsof love between Heathcliff and Catherine. Conclusively, the love that is in thisnovel is not a pure love. Everyone is full of anger, hate, and resentment. It isdifficult to classify this novel as a love story because it is not happy. It isapparent that because of the additional characters of Hindley, Hareton, Cathy,and Linton, as well as the uncommon ending, and the early death of our heroine,this novel should be classified as a tragedy.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
An Overview of the Gold Rush essays
An Overview of the Gold Rush essays California has always been associated with cutting edge development and ideas. For over a century and a half it has been the leader of what the rest of the country follows. No single event has been as groundbreaking (literally and metaphorically) as the Gold Rush of 1849. This historic event single-handedly connected the East to the West in what proved to be the perfect model of expansion. It was what brought hundreds of thousands of Americans and immigrants alike to the fast-paced, ever-changing world of California. To fully understand the history of the Goldrush, one must know what was actually happening before the lure of gold overwhelmed the country. In 1844, John C. Fremont ordered the U.S. Army to lead a scientific expedition to California. During a second trip in 1846, he encouraged ranchers located in northern area to revolt. These events lead to the seizure of Sonoma and the proclamation of a republic. The flag that they raised that year was a figure of a bear. It was not yet known that the Mexican War had started and that troops had been sent to quall the battles. According to the New Standard Encyclopedia, there was little fighting in the north, and the south was taken quickly under the forces of General Stephen W. Kearny and Commodore Robert F. Stockton (C38a). In 1849, Mexico ceded California to the United States. (New Standard Encyclopedia C-38 and C38a) One of the most little understood men of the gold rush, John Augustus Sutter, had fled from Switzerland to avoid his debtors in the mid 1800s. Abandoning his family and friends he came to America in hopes of making it big and making a fortune. In July of 1839 he arrived in California and acquired a land grant from the Mexican government. He dreamed of one day owning a vast empire of agricultural lands. It was a dream that ultimately ruined him. According to a biography done on him by California State Library, he built Sutters Fort ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Choosing the Types of Essay Writing Languages
Choosing the Types of Essay Writing Languages Idioms, Slang or Jargon. What Is and Appropriate Essay Writing Language? Different types of academic papers require different writing approaches. You will hardly write an expository essay in the same way using the same words as in an argumentative essay. Otherwise, your academic success will be doomed to failure. In other words, a student should be a versatile writer able to choose the write language for a particular type of essay writing. Let’s find out, which is a proper variant and which is not. Essay writing language – formality level Most of the essay papers require formal style. They include cover letters, job applications, journalist notes, etc. On the other hand, you should always consider the type of your target audience when depending the level of formality. A too formal paper may look a bit boring and less engaging. To make things easier for readers, use the following formality levels: Formal style – a typical language of the highest formality level used for unknown audience; Semi-formal – the best bet for essay papers, emails, etc.; Informal – more humorous way of introducing content applicable to friends and relatives. Essay writing language – jargon Although we rarely come across this type of language in academic papers, it can still be used in particular context especially when it comes to different social groups that refer to specific nation backgrounds. Using jargon where appropriate may be a good way to grab the attention of the audience adding some style to your paper. Idioms and slang expressions Slang appears to be inappropriate language when it comes to academic writing. You are not supposed to right â€Å"wanna†or â€Å"y’all†. The same thing is with idiomatic expressions like â€Å"barking at a wrong tree†. Some students mistakenly think that idioms show a good knowledge of language. However, they appear to degrade the content as well as the overall impression. So, try to avoid them. How to write an essay using different languages? It does not matter what type of academic paper you were assigned. Using a proper language and writing style is vital. Keep in mind that essay writing is far from producing articles or novels. You need to follow academic standards in addition to requirements established by your professor. Avoid being arrogant and stick to formal style in addition to the following tips: Sound confident and objective – your language is your face. Make sure it sounds objective and confident even on the paper; Keep an Eye on Tenses – those little guys can be rather tricky. Determine the tenses you are going to use in advance. They will depend on the paper type and topic; Make it Simpler – although the paper is called â€Å"academic†it does not actually mean it is supposed to be complicated. Avoid complex sentence structures and make the paper easy to read. Use strong specific words to express your confidence and expertise. Make sure your paper does not contain vague phrases or words. Keep it simple and clear for the audience.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Jonathan Edwards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jonathan Edwards - Research Paper Example He was very much interested in different areas of science, ideologies and thoughts and especially in the world of philosophy (Sander-Cederlof, 1974). Edwards became very well aware of all the modern philosophical and theological issues and became familiar with the writing of John Locke and his ‘Essay concerning human understanding’ especially influenced Edward during the period of his study at Yale College. The ideological clashes and arguments between the orthodox Calvinism and its challenging movements such as Deism, Arianism and Angilical Arminianism were included in his studies along with such ideas as British Empiricism and continental Rationalism which were originated in Europe (Jonathan Edwards: Biography). Edwards was dedicated to express his innovative ideas in front of the great personalities of the Enlightenment. He synthesized protestant theology with Newton’s physics, the third earl of Shaftesbury’s aesthetics, Locke’s psychology and Mal ebranche’s moral philosophy and thereby provided a recasting to Calvinism. Metaphysics and natural philosophy were the other important areas of his interest and one could find his exclusive writings on this topics.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8
Reflection - Essay Example Additionally, the PowerPoint also help to present the understanding that racial profiling is basically an ineffective means of accomplishing whatever task the individual sets out to do. In short, racial profiling only helps due to the fact that it creates a situation in which expectation for a given activity or behavior is created within the mind of the profiler. Another powerful complement of understanding this was the fact that racial profiling oftentimes helps to make stereotypes more powerful. By treating an entire group of people within a certain way, it becomes more likely that these individuals would begin to identify with the way they are treated and exhibit more and more signs of adherence to these stereotypes. Ultimately, within everyday life and within an increasingly globalized world, the extent and level to which racial profiling can be used for any positive benefit is all but nonexistent. Similarly, although there was a great deal of information presented with regards t o diversity and different communication styles that men and women often times engage, the most important aspect of this particular piece of research was due to the fact that it is necessary for the reader/participant to always be mindful of the fact that different people communicate via different styles. Although such an understanding is somewhat dangerous due to the fact that it can create an expectation that men and women are inherently different and behave/communicate via entirely different standards, this is not always the case. Rather, it is important for the stakeholder to realize that women and men are able to express themselves in different ways and two different extents. This mere ability does not mean that they will always do so. From a leadership perspective, it is important to understand this due to the fact that the reader will both be leading man and women regardless of the organization or business entity to which they are responsible. In this way, within one’s personal life, it is necessary to always seek to interact with others so that a type of baseline of communication is represented within the conversation. Although this may seem somewhat obvious, it is oftentimes neglected and can ultimately result in a breakdown of communications and/or a misunderstanding of key information with regards to stakeholders within either of the genders. Lastly, with respect to the PowerPoint presentation concerning extroverts and introverts, the most powerful understanding that this student gained from this presentation was with regards to the fact that neither being an introvert nor an extrovert is necessarily better than the other. All too often within our culture, we are taught that an extrovert will succeed whereas an introvert will ultimately fail within the business environment. However, as the PowerPoint noted, a diversity of these individuals required within disbarment as a means of ensuring that specific strengths within the organization can be spoken to leverage. Whereas the extroverted personality is more likely to engage with others and be outgoing/bold, the introvert is more likely to be a problem solver work quietly within their own respective field. Most importantly, from the information that was provided within the particular PowerPoint presentation, it was noted that both introverts and extroverts have the potential to make exceptional leaders. Whereas leadership has almost always been understood as something that was needful of an extroverted person,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Farmer Boldwood throughout the novel Essay Example for Free
Farmer Boldwood throughout the novel Essay This illustrates that he is completely obsessed; he worships the ground she walks on. The news of Troys death has once again disturbed Boldwoods equilibrium, and new hope burns within him. In chapter forty-nine, following the complete ruining of his crops due to his neglectful behaviour, Boldwood appoints Oak to look after his farm. A great hope had latterly germinated in Boldwood, whose unreasoning devotion to Bathsheba could only be characterized as a fond madness which neither time nor circumstance, evil nor good report, could weaken or destroy. In this sentence the Author describes Boldwoods obsession with Bathsheba, and proves to us that although Boldwoods hopes could be temporarily subdued, his true feelings were always there. It seems as if his feelings for Bathsheba will last his entire life. Boldwoods hopes are encouraged when, after talking to Liddy he finds that Bathsheba mentioned remarrying in six years, giving him something to cling onto. Throughout the novel Boldwood thinks constantly about the best possible outcome of a situation. Liddy saying that Bathsheba once mentioned remarrying slowly evolves in his head into him believing that Bathsheba will marry him in six years. He always tries his best to keep himself hopeful. His waking hours once again become devoted to thinking about Bathsheba. In chapter fifty-one Bathsheba goes on a ride with Boldwood in his cart to Weatherbury after finding herself unable to refuse because Oak, her usual driver, was too busy and Boldwood her only alternative. After awkwardly chatting about mutual interests, Boldwood, unable to resist, bluntly asks Mrs. Troy, you will marry again some day? She is taken aback and a long pause ensues before she says she has not seriously thought of such a subject. Boldwood continues to press her, and is clutching for reassurance when he says, You never liked me. Bathsheba then talks about seriously regretting her treatment of him, and Boldwood is desperate and shameless enough to say to her Bathsheba, suppose you had real complete proof that you are what, in fact, you are-a widow-would you repair the old wrong to me by marrying me? These are the words of a truly desperate man; he does not care at all if Bathsheba loves or even likes him, but just wants her to marry him. His current mental state is worse than ever before. He keeps pressuring her about marrying him in six years time and when it seems as if she might decline, he prays on her ill treatment of him in the past, a desperate and dishonourable act. But do give it, remember the past and be kind Bathsheba eventually ends up being telling Boldwood she will tell him of her decision at Christmas. This act of Bathshebas subdues Boldwood, and as before in this situation he leaves her alone until the promised time because those simple words of hers are enough to comfort him into believing that she will eventually marry him. It is as if his life itself is centred around Bathsheba, but I think Bathsheba only promised to consider his proposal because she feared for his sanity. In chapter fifty-two Boldwood holds a grand Christmas party, something that is, evidently from the Authors words, extremely out of character. But Boldwood has sunk so fast towards insanity that his character itself has changed dramatically. Boldwood is very expectant of Bathshebas answer, and deliriously happy in the build-up to the party. Bathsheba fears the party and having to give Boldwood an answer, and deliberately wears mourning clothes to it. Boldwoods cheerful disposition will not be dampened, even when Oak tries to make him more realistic about the situation, to stop him getting his hopes up. But, as has been consistent throughout the novel, Boldwoods moods and feelings are completely uninfluenced by anyones words but Bathshebas. Because of Boldwoods cheerful mood, he increases Oaks salary, this is mainly due to his knowledge of Oaks interest in Bathsheba and seems to me like a consolation prize, because through the mental haze that obscures his judgement, he truly believes Bathsheba is his. It is in chapter fifty-three that Boldwood is finally pushed over the edge. After being verbally beaten into submission, Bathsheba gives her word to marry Boldwood in six years if Troy does not return. Still, this is not quite enough for Boldwood and he requests that she wear a ring he bought for her. The demonic force that appears to be gripping Boldwood as he almost forces the ring onto her finger is too much for Bathsheba, and she begins to cry. Soon after this, Troy arrives at the house and tries to take Bathsheba away and it is at that moment that Boldwood simply erupts he shoots troy with one of the guns on his gun rack. The old Boldwood is now completely gone replaced by a hysterical madman. When Bathsheba had cried out in her husbands grasp, Boldwoods face of gnashing despair had changed. The veins had swollen, and a frenzied look had gleamed in his eye. Able to take no more, Boldwood readies himself to commit suicide with the same gun, but is prevented by Samway. In chapter fifty-five the true extent of Boldwoods obsession with Bathsheba is revealed. He had bought a large number of gifts for he labelled Bathsheba Boldwood and dated six years in advance. His very soul was completely consumed with the idea of marrying her. Boldwood is sentenced to life imprisonment. This novel describes the degeneration of a quiet, reserved and proud man into a crazed, violent and obsessive maniac. Throughout Boldwoods life a certain equilibrium was preserved, and Bathshebas arrival and sending of the valentine disturbed it. He truly was in extremity at once. His mental state became more and more unstable until he finally exploded and shot Sergeant Troy. I believe this was the end of Boldwoods equilibrium, and he would remain mentally ill and preoccupied with the woman he would never have.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Warriors dont cry :: essays research papers
Title Navy to Limit Sonar Testing Thought to Hurt Sea Mammals Paper New York Times Authors THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Summary this article comes from San Francisco and is about how the Navy has agreed to limit the testing grounds the testing of a new sonar system designed to track down enemy submarines. The Navy finally agreed after there were a couple months of protest for the harm of marine life. The protest was about the concern of harming marine life . With all the limit’s the Navy has the Navy agrees to test the system in about 14 million square miles in the ocean and the limit will be a million square miles of remote ocean around the Mariana Islands. Andrew Wetzel a lawyer in the Natural Resources Defense Council said that the Mariana Islands was the least affective of Ocean the Navy could have. This wonderful sonar system can send signals hundreds of miles. It can be as loud as 215 decibels, as much noise as a twin-engine F-15 fighter jet makes when it takes off. This agreement doesn’t stop the navy from using the sonar anywhere in wartime and but limit’s the training gro und of the sonar. The judge ordered all discussions between the environmental group and the Navy to not to be mentioned. The Natural Resources Defense Council said Navy sonar used in March 2000 has caused about 16 whales and 2 dolphins to beach themselves on islands in the Bahamas. Eight whales died, and scientists found bleeding around their brains and ear bones, injuries consistent with exposure to loud noise. Critique This article is very important because the Navy has to train with their equipment but marine life cannot be harmed. The Navy has made the same decision I would have made to limit grounds for harming marine life but still training. This was a very hard decision to make because the Navy doesn’t want to kill animals but they have to just to train. I didn’t find this article interesting nor boring I found it hard to agree or disagree with. A call to battle Comment: I read Warrior's Don't Cry for a book report last year. As a high school student, I had heard very little about the integration of Central High School, and living in a predominantly white suburban community, knew very little about the Civil Rights Movement beyond Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. Beals' personal account spurred me to learn more about the Movement on my own and to start demanding a 20th century in America class for my Social Studies department.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Compare the ways in which Wordsworth presents London in Upon Westminster Bridge with Blakes view of London in his poem London
London, the best place you could ever dream of or the worst nightmare? London in 1700's was a different city, they didn't have cars instead of that they had horses, there was less pollution and fewer roads. People used to wear more formal clothes. In this piece of coursework I am going to compare ‘London' by William Blake and ‘Upon com/in-westminster-abbey-analysis/">Westminster Bridge' by William Wordsworth. William Wordsworth used to live on countryside, he only seen the positive side of London as William Blake lived in London and saw the realistic world. Blake only has seen the negative side of London. When you are looking from the bridge you can have a good overview and the bad side about looking from the bridge is that you can't see the details because you are distances. Wordsworth visit London in the morning and in most of the country's in the morning everything is quiet because the city is asleep. Wordsworth had a sad life because when he was around 8 years his mother died, and when he was 13 his father died, when he visited London that could be a runaway from problems that he might have and be able to forget about the sad moments. He also might feel that he is not overruled by somebody else, he could feel free. Both of the poems are about London but both of them got different background. Blake see the negative side when he written ‘Blasts the new-born Infant's tear' by this quote we can tell that every one live with a fear. Every child that was born must have a bad life because in those times they mum's might been a prostitute because if a women needs money she was able to sell herself because she wasn't able to find a better job. The poor people weren't able to be educated. Poor people in their times would be always poor. As Wordsworth seen only the good side of London but he never lived there so how could he rate London when he visits it only once? ‘The beauty of the morning: silent, bare, ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples' by this quote we can see that he had written the poem in the morning when everybody is about to wake up. He tells the way as he sees it or imagines it, he is not realistic. The word ‘tear' could also be a tear of happiness as well as of sadness. William Blake was a person that strongly was interest in religions. In the first stanza he repeats himself twice, once by using â€Å"charter'd†. This shows that he is talking about the characters of people; he saw this as robbing ordinary people of their right and freedoms. The second repetition he used was the word â€Å"marks†. This has a double meaning one of them could be that the physical damages that are being made and leaving marks in everybody minds and they can't forget about it. The other meaning could be that he is collecting evidences as he walks around. Blake's poem is full of negative words that he used in every stanza such as â€Å"blood†, â€Å"weakness†, â€Å"cry†and many more. The poem ends with words â€Å"marriage hearse†for everyone marriage is such a great thing but he compared it to funerals. This might shows that he prefers to be lonely. William Wordsworth used his imagination when he was writing the poem as well as being on the bridge and seeing the realistic world. He written something that cant happens in realistic world, â€Å"The beauty of the morning†â€Å"like a garment†, the city cannot be wearing clothes, but it's already clothed itself by nature. Wordsworth used list to describe the things he was seeing. He doesn't only show positive language in line 1, 9 and 11 he used negative language. Most of the lines contain positive language words like â€Å"bright†, â€Å"glittering†, â€Å"splendour†and â€Å"glideth†create a magical world that is being like it fake and unrealistic. The poem is written as a sonnet which doesn't just show love but it shows the poets love for London. The average number of syllables in each line is 10. William uses this because it suggests that he doesn't want anything to change in London. The poem is very peaceful and calm. Evidence for this is ‘never did sun more beautifully steep'. This shows that London was a beautiful place, very calm, and a lot of country side might not have many buildings around. William Wordsworth writes about what he can see in the morning when he stands on Westminster Bridge. ‘The beauty of the morning' is evidence for this. It is written in the 3rd person and is also in the present tense. This shows that it was happening as he was writing the poem. This also helps the reader to visualise what is happening and to understand the poem more. The sestet is about how the poet feels. Evidence for this is ‘Ne'er saw I, never felt, calm so deep'. It is in the 1st person and is partially in the past tense, he shows positive language. Blake's format of the poem is like lyrics of a song. There are four stanzas, all of them shows different aspect of the city. Every single stanza talks about something else. His poem is like snapshots of loads of different scenes. In my opinion both of the poetess have right to give their own opinion, like every human being. William Blake showed the bad side of London and Wordsworth the good side, both of them has right to show the differences every person got different views for certain things. Blake was showing the negative things to show what makes him angry as Wordsworth has made his poem calm and enjoyable for everyone.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Is this an accurate assessment of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? Essay
In retrospect Macbeth does not embody the traits of a butcher at the start of the play but the chain of events he and his wife set in motion, changes him into a remorseless killer. A butcher by trade kills for necessity, shows no remorse or conscience and is pitiless. However, Macbeth is persuaded by his selfish, ambitious wife to perform these terrible deeds against his moral standards. Once Macbeth crosses the moral boundary of taking someone’s life, he loses all sense of right and wrong. A domino effect is created whereby the loss of one life automatically leads on to mass murder in that he tries to eliminate all contenders to the throne i.e. the slaughter of the innocents (Macduff’s wife and children). During the course of the play, Macbeth and his wife have a role reversal-she develops a conscience after her initial lust for blood and descends into madness whereupon she kills herself. She is no longer the fiend-like queen, but a pathetic creature full of delusions (â€Å"Out, damned spot!†) who almost demands pity from the onlooker. Macbeth however, has taken total control of the situation and cannot step back now that he has gone so far. Lady Macbeth’s statement,†What’s done cannot be undone,†is appropriate here. Consequently, Macduff’s quotation, â€Å"This dead butcher and fiend-like queen†, is not wholly true. Upon hearing of the witches prophecies, Lady Macbeth instantly conspires to speed up events so that Macbeth becomes king quickly. She believes that she is speeding up fate, but all she is in fact doing is playing out the prophecy exactly. He lacks the necessary ruthlessness that accompanies ambition- â€Å"Thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it;†but she can supply that for him. She is fiend-like in the way she manipulates her husband, a shrew brow-beating him into these acts. He is merely her instrument carrying through her plans. At the moment, she is the power behind the throne. At face value, she is ‘egging on’ her husband for what looks to be his own gains, but it is her ambition to be the most powerful woman in Scotland. She is furthering her own ambitious plans perhaps wanting to rule the country through Macbeth. It is ironic when she says, â€Å"Look like the innocent flower But be the serpent under’t†, as she herself is the ‘serpent’, the brains behind the plan. He slavishly does her bidding despite having some misgivings, †We will proceed no further in this business:†. She undermines his manhood using it as a weapon against him, â€Å"When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man.†She adopts the masculine characteristics of courage, strength and determination and encourages him to proceed with the actions. She bolsters his frail ego. Although he has slain many people in battle, he is known to be a loyal servant and is afraid of being branded a traitor. He recognises Duncan’s valued opinion of him, â€Å"He hath honoured me of late;†, but with his wife’s repeated charges of being thought a coward he, like a hen-pecked husband, agrees to her plan. It is really after Banquo’s murder that his mental frailty is displayed. His visions of the mutilated corpse, that are only visible to him, unhinge him, but he shows perception in recognising that his murderous behaviour is out of the norm for him when he states, â€Å"My strange and self-abuse Is the initiate fear that wants hard use: We are yet but young in deed†. He views himself as an amateur, but believes that with more murderous experiences the terrible visions will disappear. This is the crucial point at which the led becomes the leader. Macbeth now takes control of his own destiny while Lady Macbeth becomes the dependent casualty. From this realisation, Lady Macbeth assumes a lesser role in the play and fades into the background. Her rampant ambition and calculated plans have brought her no lasting joy or pleasure. Although she has achieved her dreams of being queen, her mental state is now of a tormented soul; she suffers from insomnia, is haunted by ghastly visions of the dead, performs an obsessional washing of hands, â€Å"What, will these hands ne’er be clean?†and suicidal thoughts dominate her existence. It is here that she loses the tag of ‘fiend-like queen’ and becomes more human in her inability to cope with what she has seen. Although she put in motion the sequence of events, she is now unable to cope with the consequences. The once proud, domineering woman has become a shadow;her spectral appearances in a nightgown carrying a candle show her changed into a waif like creature inhabiting the darker recesses of a turbulent mind. It’s difficult not to feel some sympathy for her â€Å"slumbery agitation†. This is no fiend but a troubled soul whose only hope of peace is death. While neither character is portrayed in an attractive light, Shakespeare graphically shows a descent into insanity and the ultimate tragic end in the quest for power. Against one’s better nature, a degree of empathy for Macbeth and his wife emerges so that the label ‘butcher’ and ‘fiend-like queen’ does not seem appropriate at the conclusion of the play.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The 9 Absolute Best Books on Writing by the Pros - Freewrite Store
The 9 Absolute Best Books on Writing by the Pros - Freewrite Store Today’s guest post is by Matt Grant. Matt is a Brooklyn-based writer and editor. His work has appeared in Literary Hub, Book Riot, HuffPost, and BookBrowse. Find Matt online, or follow him on Twitter and Facebook. As a writer, as with any form of art, you need to constantly hone your craft. Education plays a big role in self-improvement, but you don’t have to be an MFA candidate to keep learning. You can pay for classes (which often cost and arm and an leg), or try to find free options online. One great way to find free (or at least cheap!) advice you can learn at your own pace is to read books on writing. Many prominent writers, publishers, English professors, and grammarians have written books on their craft intended to help writers improve their craft. And who better is there to learn from than the experts? Below are nine books to add to your shelf today that will help you in all phases of your writing journey. Reading Like a Writer,Francine Prose Technically a book on reading, Prose’s book is written with writers in mind. Her entire argument is that before there was such a thing as creative writing instruction, the only way writers learned their craft was from reading other writers. Prose’s practical and straightforward book will give you a deeper appreciation for good literature in general, and what it takes to write good literature specifically. She has sections on sentences, paragraphs, narration, character, dialogue, and more. Along the way, she stocks her advice with examples from literary titans, even including an entire section at the end called â€Å"Books to be Read Immediately.† How to Read Literature Like a Professor,Thomas C. Foster Have you ever read a â€Å"great†novel and felt like you’re missing out on a hidden layer of meaning? If subtext often goes over your head and you have a hard time deciphering metaphors, this book may be for you. Foster, a professor of English at University of Michigan-Flint, has provided a fun and easygoing guide to â€Å"reading between the lines.†With chapter titles like â€Å"Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires,†and â€Å"It’s My Symbol and I’ll Cry if I Want to,†Foster’s book is a fun, lighthearted take on literary analysis. It’s a helpful guide for how to deconstruct motifs, themes, images and other symbols in great novels, which you can turn around and apply to your own work.  The Elements of Style, William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White No writer’s library is complete without a stylebook, and The Elements of Stylehas been thestandard stylebook since 1918. You probably recognize E.B. White as the author of beloved children’s classics Charlotte’s Weband Stuart Little.William Strunk, Jr. was his English professor at Cornell University. Strunk wrote the original version, which White later expanded. This is an extremely practical book to carry around, just over 100 pages, and it easily fits in your pocket. It focuses on usage, form, and even lists commonly misspelled words.  Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, Anne Lamott Lamott’s wonderful book is both a memoir and writing advice guide. Her emotional and honest take on the writing life is refreshing. In it, she tells a story from her childhood about her ten-year-old brother freaking out over a huge report on birds that he’d had three months to complete. Overwhelmed by the task and unsure of where to begin, Lamott recalls her father putting his arm around her brother and telling him to just take it â€Å"bird by bird.†The same advice applies to writing, Lamott says, as writers take their work one word, sentence, and book at a time. What’s more, Bird by Birdwill disabuse you of any notions of overnight success in literature.  Several Short Sentences About Writing,Verlyn Klinkenborg Klinkenborg is a creative writing professor at Yale University, and his short, breezy book is one of best books on writing I’ve ever read. Written in short, snappy sentences laid out like poetry, Several Short Sentences About Writing aims to have writers focus on writing good, clear sentences. And that’s it. Klinkenborg argues that great sentences will lead to great writing, and that good sentences can make even the most boring and mundane subject seem fascinating. He encourages writers to think of each sentence as its own entity on the page, separate from everything that comes before and after it. At the end, he includes a section of bad sentence examples, culled from his years as a writing professor. I’m just glad he wasn’t mine!  On Writing Well, William Zinsser Zinsser’s On Writing Wellis a pretty classic college textbook for writing classes, so if you slept through English, now might be a good time to revisit it. As a former reporter for the New York Herald Tribuneand the author of 17 nonfiction books, Zinsser’s area of expertise is nonfiction. The first two sections of his book are a more narrative version of The Elements of Style,but the third focuses on different forms nonfiction writing can take. Zinsser shows what goes into good interviews, memoir writing, sports reporting, and travel writing. This volume is essential reading for anyone wishing to write good, compelling nonfiction.  On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Stephen King If you think Stephen King is enjoying a renaissance right now with the film versions of The Dark Towerand Itin theaters, you don’t know his work very well. King is one of the most influential and iconic authors of the 20th century. His stamp is everywhere you look and has been for a long time. In this acclaimed book that is â€Å"part memoir, part master class, by one of the bestselling authors of all time,†King shares the habits and practices that have solidified his place in American literary history. King’s prose is personable and reads like you’re talking to a good friend in person. On Writingis great for King fans and aspiring writers alike.  Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting, Robert McKee Now wait a minute, you might be asking, how is a book on screenwriting helpful for prose writers? Well, read McKee’s brilliant Storyand you’ll see why. This is not just a book about screenwriting, but how all great stories are structured. After an introduction that takes you through the principlesof good storytelling – why do people find certain story elements compelling? – McKee breaks down, using examples from some of the most influential films in cinematic history, essential story elements. There’s the Inciting Incident, Three-Act story design, and the crisis, climax, and final resolution. If none of this sounds familiar, pick up this essential guide for writers of any genre who want to tell well-structured, compelling stories.  Bonus: What We See When We Read, Peter Mendelsund Another book on reading? Absolutely! All writers are good readers. This delightful book, told mostly through pictures, is all about the phenomenologyof reading – how words, which have no concrete images attached to them, can nevertheless conjure images in a reader’s brain. It’s an essential reminder that the writer’s work is bringing images to life with our words.  When in doubt, a writer’s first stop should always be books. While we don’t all have personal, constant access to writing experts to ask their advice and opinions, we do have the next best thing: their books. Not to mention all the literary classics throughout history that you can learn a lot from just by reading. So don’t hesitate - head to your local library or bookstore today and pick out some of these titles!  There you have it, the books by the pros to get you writing like a pro. Which books on writing are your favorites? Which books did we miss? Let us know in the comments!  Matt Grant loves to write about writing, business, and all forms of popular culture – books, film, and television. Matt started writing DVD reviews for Pop Matters in 2012, and in 2016, he followed through on a life-long dream by launching a part-time writing business at Since then, Matt’s work has appeared in Literary Hub, Book Riot, HuffPost, and BookBrowse, and he has several ongoing clients. His first personal essay, Swimming Lessons, is being published in LongReads at the end of August. Matt is also currently hard at work on his first novel, a comedic take on fantasy tropes for young adults. When not writing or reading, Matt works in youth development as an after-school program director for one of the largest middle schools in Manhattan. Matt lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Katelyn.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Donts for Getting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School
Donts for Getting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School Writing letters of recommendation is generally part of a faculty members job. Students need these letters to get into graduate schools. Indeed, grad school admissions committees generally wont accept applications that lack these important letters because they reflect the professor or faculty members assessment of a student applicant. Students need not feel powerless in the process because they do, indeed, have a great deal of influence over the letters that faculty members write. While professors rely on a students academic history in writing letters of recommendation, the past isnt all that matters. Professors impressions of you are important too - and impressions constantly change based on your behavior. There are things you should avoid to ensure that the professors you approach for letters see you in a positive light. To avoid problems, dont: Misinterpret a Faculty Members Response Youve asked a faculty member to write you a letter of recommendation. Carefully interpret his response. Often faculty members provide subtle cues that indicate how supportive a letter they will write. Not all letters of recommendation are helpful. In fact, a lukewarm or somewhat neutral letter will do more harm than good. Virtually all letters that graduate admissions committee members read are very positive, usually providing glowing praise for the applicant. However, a letter that is simply good- when compared with extraordinarily positive letters - is actually harmful to your application. Ask faculty members if they can provide you with a helpful letter of recommendation rather than simply a letter. Push for a Positive Response Sometimes a faculty member will decline your request for a letter of recommendation outright. Accept that. She is doing you a favor because the resulting letter would not help your application and instead would hinder your efforts. Wait Until the Last Minute Faculty members are busy with teaching, service work, and research. They advise multiple students and likely are writing many letters for other students. Give them enough notice so that they can take the time required to write a letter that will get you accepted into graduate school. Approach a faculty member when he has the time to discuss it with you and consider it without time pressure. Dont ask immediately before or after class. Dont ask in a hallway. Instead, visit during the professors office hours, the times intended for interaction with students. It often is helpful to send an email requesting an appointment and explaining the purpose of the meeting. Provide Unorganized or Inaccurate Documentation Have your application materials with you when you request your letter. Or follow up within a couple of days. Provide your documentation all at once. Dont offer a curriculum vitae one day, and a transcript on another. Anything you provide the professor must be free of errors and must be neat. These documents represent you and are an indicator of how serious you view this process as well as the quality of work you will do in grad school. Dont make a professor have to ask you for basic documentation. Forget Submission Materials Include program-specific application sheets and documents, including websites to which faculty submit letters. Dont forget to include login information. Dont make faculty ask for this material. Dont let a professor sit down to write your letter and find that she does not have all of the information. Alternatively, dont let a professor try to submit your letter online and find that she doesnt have the login info. Rush the Professor. A friendly reminder sent a week or two before the deadline is helpful; however, dont rush the professor or offer multiple reminders. Forget to Express Appreciation Your professor took the time to write for you - at minimum an hour of his time - so take the time to thank him, either verbally, or by sending a thank you letter or note. Remember that you want your letter writers to be in a good mood when they write your recommendation and to feel good about you and their decision to support your application to graduate school. Write a thank you note to your recommender and when you ask for another letter in the future (and you will - either for another graduate school program or even a job), the faculty member will be much more likely to write you another helpful and positive recommendation letter.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Behavioral Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Behavioral Economics - Essay Example Generally beliefs concerning the uncertain events are expressed by statements like "I think thator chances are etc. These are sometimes expressed in numerical form as odd or subjective probabilities. Heuristics are simple, efficient rules, fine-tuned by evolutionary processes or learned, which have been proposed to explain how people make decisions, judgments and solve problems, typically when facing serious problems or in case of inadequate information (Tversky, Kahneman,1124). People often follow a limited number of heuristic principles in day-to-day life, which reduces the process of assessing values and probabilities to much more simple judgmental operations. These heuristics are very useful but at times can leads to severe and systematic errors (Tversky, Kahneman, 1124). In case of representative heuristics (Tversky and Kahneman, 1126), the likelihood of an event is judged based upon the extent to which it represents the essential features of the parent population or the generating process. Representative heuristic is generally used by people to make judgment or impression about someone or something. (Koning, 1) It is usually employed while deciding the probability whether or not an object or event A belongs to class or process B. (Tversky and Kahneman, 1131) For illustration of representative heurist... he example of Steve who has been described by his neighbor as "very shy and withdrawn, invariably helpful but with little interest in people or in world of reality. A meek and tidy soul, he has a need for order and structure and a passion for detail. How are people going to judge the possible occupation of Steve from a list of possibilities (e.g. farmer, salesman, librarian, airline pilot or physician) In the representative heuristic, the probability of is assessed by the degree to which he is representative of, or similar to, in this case say a librarian, the stereotype of a librarian. Research with similar type of problems shows that probability and similarity plays equal important role in case of occupation of people. This method of arriving at a particular decision based on the similarity or the representativeness leads to erroneous results affecting the ultimate outcome because similarity is not influenced by the factors which influence judgment probability (Tversky and Kahneman , 1131). There are some drawbacks of representative heuristic which can be rectified by considering the following parameters. Insensitivity to prior probability of outcomes (Base-rate neglect): The base rate fallacy, also called base rate neglect, is an error that occurs when the conditional probability of some hypothesis given some evidence is assessed without taking sufficient account of the "base rate" or "prior probability" of hypothesis (Wikipedia). The prior probability or base-rate frequency of the final decision has a great deal of effect on the probability. In the above example, the fact that there are many more farmers than librarians in the population should be considered while judging, for an estimation of probability that Steve is a librarian rather than a farmer. People tend
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Niagara falls Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Niagara falls - Term Paper Example The City known as Niagara Falls was once a Township number 2 to Mount Dorchester. It was suggested that the United Empire Loyalists would inhibit it in the year 1781.Its roads were Concessions and Lines that became the main grids, the Portage Road that passes through Niagara Falls, and driveways that connect homesteads to the main arteries that became the Lundy’s Lane1. The Portage road was used to portage goods in land through the Niagara Falls in the western side of the River. The area previously was known as Mount Dorchester was renamed Stamford Township. The Stamford Township played a key role in the war of 1812- 1814 .Since the area was a major site for the battle. This battle of the Lundy’s Lane was the worst battle in Canada soil. After it ended the US, army attacked the Bridgewater Mills that was located in Dufferin Islands .There was constructions of hydroelectric stations in the first decade of the 20th century. In the 1920s and 1950s there were many projects introduced, those were essential to the development of electricity in the Niagara Falls2. Economy of Stamford flourished and this led to the development of communities in the township especially in terms of trade and commerce. The area saw a growth in tourism where the debate about who won the battle about the Lundy’s lane paved a way for tourists to visit the area. With the plentiful source of hydroelectric power by the waterfalls, many industries boomed especially electrochemical and electrometallurgical industries in the early 20th century. The industry in the 1970 and 1980s began to move out of the city due to economic recession and with the increase of global competition in the industry-manufacturing sector. Tourism was the most source of revenue for the city. In the 20th century, there was an exchange rate in comparing Canadian and US currencies where Ontario focused on tourism. The Ontario government introduced gambling to the local economies in
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The challenges of doing business in China and Vietnam Term Paper
The challenges of doing business in China and Vietnam - Term Paper Example The global marketplace that has no borders takes into consideration the participation of all countries. Several changes are occurring in the global scenario, more with the enhancement of communications and technology (Understanding the Global Marketing Environment, n.d., pp.4-8). Several political, social, economic and technological implications arise owing to the changes and developments in the modern business world. These factors play a major role in the international marketing. The changes and developments are eventually encountered by all marketers who face the challenges in their operations in the â€Å"global business environment†. Changes in the international market reveal the emergence of newer sources of power in Brazil, China, India and Russia. The economic development seems to be shifting towards a restricted and impartial direction engaging itself in global businesses. New customers are also emerging with higher needs and demands with increasing competition among businesses. Indistinct boundaries of industries are causing deregulation in the business world. There are frequent changes in the use of technology accompanied by the emergence of greater service sectors than manufacturing as well as increasing transparency of business practices. C onsidering all the business benefits and obstacles, this report would primarily focus on the challenges of doing business in China and Vietnam. ... Entering a Global Market: Key Areas of Concern: The essential issues needed to be taken into consideration before entering a global market include Culture, Government, Economy, Infrastructure, and Relationships. As the report focuses on the businesses in China and Vietnam, these key areas are discussed in the context of China and Vietnam. Culture: The exchange of goods and services and other expertise among different countries tend to increase globalization reflecting increasing interdependence in the economy. Universal culture arises from particular groups of individuals in the different countries involved in different businesses. These cultural issues include the values and practices followed in a business (Leung, Bhagat, Buchan, Erez & Gibson, 2005, pp.358-359). Culture in China is known for its â€Å"orderly, hierarchical and control-based society†with the Chinese people being â€Å"patient, eager to learn, respectful and accepting of authority†(McKern & Denend, 2 004). If the culture practices in China are studied, it can be observed that China has its own â€Å"unique business culture and etiquette†(Chinese Culture, n.d.). Business relationships in China mostly involve a social relationship that tends to remain for a longer period of time. They give high importance to designations. Giving appropriate respect is a very important notion followed by the Chinese companies. Gifts and presents are always esteemed and accepted as adding value to the relationships. Moreover, business discussions in China generally include a lunch or a dinner that are highly focused in China (Chinese Culture, n.d.). The Chinese business can be found to maintain corporate social responsibility that is particularly focused on the human issues, scientific development, and harmony in
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Visual Pleasure And Narrative Cinema
Visual Pleasure And Narrative Cinema In this paper we are going to discuss the position of Laura Malvey in her work Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. The psychoanalytic interpretation of the position of women viewers gets back to the famous essay by Laura Mulvey Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, the original thesis of which was that the film form is structured by the unconscious of the patriarchal society and that woman as a spectator is always imposed the rules of a foreign game getting of the male type of pleasure for example, inherently scopophilic pleasure from the examination of the female body. But the issue in this work is not only and not so much about the pleasure itself, but about more serious things how the vision is the instance of identification formation of the subject through the visual practices and how the power is incorporated into the play that is, the question is raised in the work about the ideological effects of the basic cinematic apparatus. Mulvey argued that ideology is involved in forming the subjectivity of the individual at the level of the unconscious and that is how a female spectator, through borrowing the male gaze, takes the ideology of a patriarchal society, which is imposed. Laura Mulvey (1975) in Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema explains how the traditional Hollywood film claims the scopophilic view: In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female. The determining male gaze projects its phantasy on to the female form which is styled accordingly. In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness. The woman, demonstrated as a sexual object, acts as a leitmotif of erotic spectacle. The formulated problem in this context may be solved through a strong deconstruction of the vision machine, which constitutes a woman as an image, and a man as an owner of the sight. Mulvey proposes to destroy the voayeristic-scopophilic opinion, consistently destroying cinematic codes that postulate such view. Will this be the solution of the problem? Mulveys emphasis on the analysis of the specific of the cinematographic system, with all its radical and provocative judgements, seems to be legitimate. The real is the question of the discursive mediation properties. However, in general, the psychoanalytic criticism of visual representations may also have a profound methodologic effect. As we have alreqady stated, the main ideas of Mulveys research approach are formulated by her in the work Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. The impact of this approach extended not only to the tudy of movies but also to television, advertising and other forms of visual culture. The researcher begins her studies with the basic ideas of psychoanalysis a postulation of sexual differences as the axis of meaning and the center of the oedipal drama. Mulvey (1975) made the psychoanalytic theory as the basis for interpretation of the mystery of movie: The fascination of film is reinforced by pre-existing patterns of fascination already at work within the individual subject and the social formations that have moulded him. According to the researcher, the movie does not only stimulates and trains scopophilic bents (the pleasure of spying), but also satisfies the repressed desire to show off, the exhibitionism. Even so the movie does not only quenche the scopophilic thirst, but also brings it to the narcissism, satisfying the human need of identification with others, in this case with anyone or anything on the screen. On the one hand, the film is designed for the fact that the audience identifies itself with a particular character, his logic, so that for the audience everything could be clear. On the other hand, the viewer tends to present himself in a strange role. Just in time for psychodynamics occurring between these two processes, the phenomenon of narrative cinema, about which Laura Mulvey writes, is built. In this vein, it is appropriate to recall the ideas that the cinema performance actualizes and intensifies the processes of an affective internal projection-identification in the viewer, who has the ability to act and move. At the same time Laura Mulvey is developing a theory of the male look under which a woman appears as an image, and a man as the bearer of the look. That is, according to the researcher, in the movies women simultaneously function as erotic objects for the male audience, that gets a scopophilic pleasure from their presence, and as erotic objects for the male characters , with whom the male audience may identify itself. The third and decisive spectator, in addition to the male protagonist and the male audience, is a camera, which by means of choosing a particular angle, and a sequence of frames represents an opportunity to double the pleasure of scopophilia and identification. The researcher firmly binds the audience view with the function of the cinema in general. Hall (2003) stated that cinema is capable to control our mind, to make us identify with its images. It was originally created for the visual experience and for the viewers empathy. Therefore, the point of the location of view, its place and its direction, according to Mitchell (1995), are incredibly important and determine the film industry as such. Such a perfect ability to focus the mind distinguishes cinema from other shows. Laura Mulvey concludes that the codes involved in the movie and having a direct relation to the external structures (social and economic conditions), must be learnt for their transformation, for creation of other movies and critics of the effects and characteristics of visual pleasure, which is provided by the traditional movie plot. The attempt of L. Mulvey to show using psychoanalytic theory , how unconscious in a patriarchal society forms the film had a very important and significant impact on the further development of the feminist film criticism. Further, the theories of the female look in art are also actively appearing and developing As for the contemporary cultural and feminist theory, its main subject is an everyday life, where there is a specific articulation of social structures. Today there is a fundamental shift in the feminist studies in general. According to Evans and Hall (2005) we see that this is the transition from the deterministic explanations of womens subordination to the media to the analysis of the processes of symbolization and representation. In other words, the problem of studies of mass media moved from the determining of the reasons of situation for womens subordination in culture and society to the review of symbolic aspects of the functioning of cultural products and tools of mass communication in general. The advantage of the research approach Mulvey is that she is one of the first to articulate the existence of a gender specificity of modern movies, to draw attention to the presence of the third spectator which was not previously noticed a camera, on the position of sight of which further specifics of the construction and interaction of the images in the film depends. Her ideas had a strong influence on the avant-garde trend in the cinema. At the same time Mulvey was interested in the universal mechanisms of constructing a plot of the film, as well as the mechanism of influence of specific film image to the audience through the identification process. Laura Mulvey, the author of the article Visual pleasure and narrative cinema, says that in the movie the traditional division of labor is used: a woman serves as a subject for a look, a man serves as an examining person. The camera a cinema eye inherits the role of a man, who looks through the lens of cultural cliches. The product of this view is an active authoritativeness of the erotic gaze directed at the female body, and narrative patterns of the melodramatic cinema. An endless variety of genre roles for the calibration of all the shades of seduction, desire, flirting or classical coldness are available to the actresses. It goes without saying that the text of the work, with todays perspective, seems to be too radical, too provocative, tapering to limit the sex differences, abounding in bold (for the uninitiated in the mysteries of psychoanalysis) terminology and may be somewhat alien to our consciousness, but at the same time this is the most representative and the most authoritative work, which gives quite a clear idea about the specifics of feminist psychoanalytic cinema theory. In addition, this work is an explicit demonstration of how the feminist critique has expropriated and used the psychoanalytic discourse to overcome traditional psychoanalysis negativism against women dating back to Freud, with his own means. In our work we have to give two examples from visual culture and discuss how Mulveys thesis may be convincing in one instance but tested to its limitations in another. For this discussion I propose to take two films: Rare Window by Alfred Hitchcock and Juno by Jason Reitman. The film Rare Window by Alfred Hitchcock is convincing the thesis of Laura Malvey that Man is the bearer of the look while Woman connotes to-be-looked-at-ness. The main character of this film is put in such conditions that he has to be scopophilic. A photographer Jeffries has broken his leg and now he has to watch everything going outside through the window. The film reveals to us one of the main needs of men peep through the keyhole, figuratively speaking. It is really impossible to keep away from such a forbidden fruit. And the blame of everything is curiosity, namely it moves the main mechanisms in a man, allowing to forget about other equally important needs (food, rest, sex) and exciting the imagination at a time. In this film everything is concentrated around the man, Jeffries, women are just a phone here. As to the film that is tested to the limitations of Malveys thesis it should be noticed it is very hard to find such because such films began to appear not so long time ago. These are the films with a strong woman in the main role. For example I would like to propose the film Juno by Jason Reitman. The main heroine of this film is a young girl who is pregnant and who gets perfectly well with her problems. All the actions in the film are concentrated around this young lady Juno and in difference to the films in which everything is made for men, this film limits the thesis of Laura Malvey that Man is the bearer of the look while Woman connotes to-be-looked-at-ness by our vision of the main heroine.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Seeds :: essays research papers fc
The seeds of the Vietnam War were sown two decades prior to the conflict. Following the Second World War the United States adopted two foreign policies, which seemed to coexist peacefully for a time. The policies: anti-colonialism (policy against colonization of small nations) and anti-communism. Little did the United States know that the coexistence of these two policies would soon become a great paradox. Indochina had been a colony of France since the middle of the nineteenth century, within its parameter Indochina contained three nations: Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. At the conclusion of WWII these nations were seeking independence from the colonial rule of its motherland, France. On the heels of the war the U.S was primarily occupied with assisting Europe recover economically and escape communist domination (Pentagon Papers A-2). Confronted with these problems of what then seemed to be a larger scale the U.S considered the fate of Vietnamese "nationalism" relatively in significant. In fact Indochina appeared to be a region in the post-war world in which the U.S need not involve itself (P. Papers A-2). Tides quickly shifted, however, when the problem was brought to President Roosevelt's attention by Premier Ramadier of France. Following his policy of anti-colonialism, Roosevelt advocated the independence of all Indochinese nations. France, unwilling to give up colonial rule continued to occupy Indochina. Meanwhile, a man by the name of Nguyen Ai Quoc, who later came to be known as Ho Chi Minh, formed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) as well as an army of Vietnamese freedom fighters called the Viet Minh. Finally on December 19, 1946 the Vietnamese troops attacked French troops stationed on the outskirts of Hanoi. This began the start of the eight year Franco-Viet Minh War. Shortly prior to this conflict President Roosevelt had died, fanning the flame of anti-colonialism and leaving the official policy of the U.S toward the Franco-Vietnam war as neutral. Due to the neutrality of the United States during the first four years of the Franco-Viet Minh War, the Vietnam War became, inevitably, the destiny of the United States. This paper will explain three major points and how they laid the foundation for the Vietnam War. These points include: 1) reasons for U.S. neutrality, 2) how this neutrality allowed Communism to blossom in Vietnam, and 3) how this blossoming Communsim made the Vietnam War inevitable. One of the main reasons for this lack of action on the part of the U.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Is Lie Good or Bad
I recently read the story named†The Whole Truth†. This story was telling us lies are a bad idea but you can lie in some situations. This story told us about a yound man named Bob, he lied to a parking lot owner that he was graduated from high school and he was 21 years old but actually he was 18. He got a job. After 4 months, his boss suggested him to go to college. He feel nervous because he lied to his boss and that will be the cause him to lose his job. Acording to the passage which was said: â€Å"Most of people agree that telling lies is a bad idea. But there are times when telling a lie might be a good idea†. First of all, lie is considered to be bad, and most people hate liars. Have you ever read the ironic story named â€Å"a wolf and a liar†about a shepherd boy always lie with the villagers about a wolf is attacking his sheeps and need help and one day that happen and this boy called for help but noone help him because they think he just wanted to make fun and a wolf killed many sheeps of him. Moreover, some lie can be cause of serious problem. If you had been watching many criminal movies you might know about this which is about some people wanted to have more benefit for themselves and they provide a wrong information that may cause that company have to face a serious challege such as backrupt and workers in that company also may lost their job. On the other hand, some times you can telling a lie because that help you pass the trouble, help yourself or to help others. The passage above about a young man who lied to a parking lot owner to get a job but he really work hard there. No one in the world is never lie before and also now. Here is very symple example which is about 2 lover, a man love 1 girl and he have to lie to his girlfriend whenever he wanted to go out with her because she very busy with her studies and her job. In my opinion, every one did lie at least a hundred times in their life but you have to think before you tell other a lie. You have to know about consequence of what you are doing, is it bad or good? Some people they totally believe lie is a badest thing of the world because they believe that liars are always a bad people and that is a crime. However, my opinion is their adversary. I don’t say lie is good but it depend on what you are lying about and who you are lying to. In conclusion, no one can tell that lie is good or bad because lie can help people and also can cause people to face with a serious problem.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive heart failure, also called CHF or heart failure, is a serious and complex disease in which the heart muscle has been damaged or has to work too hard because of heart disease and other conditions, such as obesity. Although the heart continues to beat, the damaged heart muscle is too weak to efficiently pump enough oxygen-rich blood to and from the body, resulting in potentially life-threatening congestion in the lungs and other tissues of the body. Congestive heart failure is a common complication of heart attack and other types of heart disease that damage the heart muscle. These diseases include hypertension, heart valve disorders, arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathy. Congestive heart failure can also be caused by anemia. In general, congestive heart failure affects both the left and right sides of the heart, but it can affect one side more than the other, depending on the location and severity of damage. In left-sided congestive heart failure, the left side of the heart is damaged and unable to effectively pump blood from the heart to the body. This results in blood backing up into the lungs and increasing blood pressure in the lungs. The increase in pressure causes a buildup of fluid in the lungs, which can lead to a life-threatening condition called acute pulmonary edema. In right-sided congestive heart failure, the right side of the heart is damaged and unable to effectively pump blood flowing from the body back to the heart. This results in a backup of blood and an increase in pressure in the veins that carry blood from the body to the heart. In turn, this leads to swelling (edema) of the lower extremities and sometimes of other areas of the body. Acute congestive heart failure, in which fluid builds up rapidly in the lungs and causes pulmonary edema, is an immediately life-threatening condition that can quickly lead to respiratory failure, cardiac arrest and death. Immediate emergency treatment best minimizes the risk of these and other serious†¦
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
louis isadore kahn and the salk institute essays
louis isadore kahn and the salk institute essays Standing alone against the endless blue sea, the Salk Institute by Louis I. Kahn is one of a kind. "Louis Kahn's Salk Institute for Biological Studies on the Pacific coast near La Jolla aspires within its own spirit to an order achieved through clarity, definition, and consistency of application"(Heyer 195). To many, this magnificent structure may seem out of place, but it works well with the surrounding environment because of the spatial continuity that it possesses. The relation to the site, the tectonic characteristics, and the ideas of servant versus served, combine to achieve a great sense of order in the Salk Institute. Many of the ideas that went into the construction of this design are still utilized in architecture today. Kahn's modern design takes full advantage of the atmosphere by opening up a broad plaza between two research and lab wings providing a view of the beautiful Pacific Ocean and the coastline (Ghirardo 227). The laboratories are separated from the study areas, and each study has a view of the magnificent blue Pacific with horizontal light pouring in. This allows scientists to take a break from their frantic studies and clear their minds with a breath-taking view. In relation to this idea Kahn stated, "I separated the studies from the laboratory and placed them over the gardens. Now one need not spend all the time in the laboratories" (Ronner 158). The two lab wings are symmetrical about a small stream that runs through the middle of the courtyard and feeds into the ocean. This steady ban of water flowing towards the sea symbolizes the success that human can accomplish. I thought this idea had a worthy presence, considering the Salk Institute is one that promotes research and st udy. Thus, the courtyard is considered the facade to the sky. Kahn didn't need to dress up the land around the plan because the Salk Institute is the landscape. It is one with the site ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Become a Surgical Technologist
How to Become a Surgical Technologist When you think about an operating room, you probably think of the key players we see on TV: surgeons, nurses, maybe an anesthesiologist. (And if you’re seeing it on TV, they’re probably all hopelessly glamorous, but I digress.) The key player you might not be imagining is the surgical technologist, who works with all of these medical professionals to care for patients and ensure that surgeries run smoothly. The Day-to-DayThese essential surgical team members, also known informally as â€Å"scrub techs†or â€Å"operating room techs,†are usually responsible for setting up the operating room and working with doctors and nurses throughout the procedure to manage conditions in the room. Surgical techs are usually hard at work even before the surgeon starts scrubbing in. Their tasks may include:Sterilizing the operating room and equipmentLaying out the equipment and ensuring that all necessary equipment is availablePositioning and covering the anesthetized pat ient in preparation for surgeryPreparing medications and sterile solutionsHanding equipment to surgeons and nursing staff during the operationAssisting the surgeon when necessaryDressing incisions and getting patients ready for post-op careTransferring the patient to a recovery roomRestocking and cleaning the operating roomBecause surgery can happen around the clock, particularly in a hospital, surgical techs may work night/weekend/holiday shifts outside of the regular 9-to-5 schedule. However, these shifts are fairly regular, unless an emergency surgery goes longer than anticipated. Some hospitals require that surgical technologists have â€Å"on call†shifts as well. The vast majority (approximately 70%) of surgical techs work in hospitals, though some may also work in outpatient clinics that perform surgeries.For more on what it’s like to be a surgical technologist, check out these videos:Inside Jobs: Surgical TechnologySurgical Technologist: Alisha MobleySurgical T echnologist (Dr. Kit)The RequirementsSurgical technologists typically hold an associate’s degree. Certification by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting can help boost the odds of finding a job in the surgical technologist field, but is not broadly required. As of 2016, only nine states require that surgical technologists be certified: Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. The Association of Surgical Technologists offers up-to-date information on requirements and education.The SkillsThe surgical technology field calls for a number of special skills and knowledge bases, including:Attention to detailMath and science (particularly biology)Detailed medical knowledge (including anatomy and physiology)Critical thinkingAdaptabilityOrganizational skillsCommunication skillsThis is a demanding field, and calls for nerves (and a stomach) of steel, in addition to the standard kinds of Allied Health job skills. If you faint at the sight of blood, or think shortcuts are â€Å"good enough†when it comes to cleaning, this area might not be the best choice for you.The PayThe median salary for licensed surgical technologists is $43,350 per year, or $20.84 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). And according to a survey, surgical technologists are largely â€Å"extremely satisfied†with their career choice.The OutlookThis is a field you can bank on: the BLS expects the available surgical tech jobs to grow by more than 15% by 2024.
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