Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Current Status and Impact of Health Care Reform - 1667 Words
To: Client Name From: Joseph Willis Subject: Current Status and Impact of Health Care Reform Date: 25 January 2011 The purpose of this report is to examine the current state of health care as well as the impacts that new legislation will have on the United States healthcare system. Specifically, this report will inspect the immediate and long term effects of the healthcare reform bill HR 3590 that was signed into law on March 23, 2010 as well as investment advice on the medical care industry. There are two main topics when it come to health care reform, coverage and cost control. Both sides of the debate recognize these as the eventual goal but both sides have different opinions on the procedure to achieving this goal. The†¦show more content†¦When it comes to the constitutionality of the individual mandate many of the bills supports will look to the commerce clause and seek justification for its passage. This portion of the debate is not just about health care, but instead about the scope and power of the federal government; if the courts decide that the individual mandate is constitutional and therefore grant the federal government the power to force citizens to buy a product from a private company in order to protect them , then the existence of the constitution will become negligible. Before the adoption of the constitution the states were reluctant to ratify it on the basis that they felt that it might grant too much power to the federal government to which James Madison, the writer of the constitution, wrote The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite (Federalist Papers #45). The reasoning behind the constitution is to limit the power of the federal government not to grant it the complete control over the lives of all citizens. Supporters will make an argument that people are forced to buy auto insurance and so there should be nothing stopping congress fromShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Universal Health Insurance Mandate On The Massachusetts Labor Market1372 Words  | 6 Pagesthe universal health insurance mandate in the Massachusetts labor market. Using a difference-in-differences (DID) model, this study focuses on the co-evolution of insurance coverage and labor markets. One found that under the recent legislation, workers from firms of varying sizes demonstrate different patterns with regards to o btaining insurance coverage. 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