Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Finding the Best How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself
Finding the Best How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself Know your objectives, know your objectives and do not switch off the intended path. Based on your dream, the tools you will need will either be simple to find or extremely difficult to get. Before you begin a project, consider why you would like to do it. As soon as it's important to select a project that isn't results-dependent, that doesn't indicate you should ignore metrics. Prayer Prayer deserves a tremendous shout-out. Creating unique blog ideas may not be simple in the start. Finding an intriguing blog post topic isn't always simple. Choosing How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself Is Simple In fact, a seasoned writer can get the job done much faster than any student as they've been writing academic assignments during their entire life. Analyze what you have to write in the essay and the way you want the readers to react to it. Nowadays it's very difficult to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. Ask three distinct experts what a personal essay is and you'll probably get three distinct answers. The degree of marketing required in your career can change from job to job, but regardless, it's important to get a strong comprehension of the marketing and advertising targets and relationship behind what you're designing. It's essential that the statement portrays the applicant's personality when keeping up a professional tone. Actually, the personal statement is the one most important part of your whole application. As opposed to using a conventional thesis statement you can set forth a societal observation that ties into first topic of your essay. The elements of your topic will ascertain the subparagraphs of the principal body. Among the biggest misconceptions about the personal essay is that it's a chance to compose your entire life's story. Whether you're a novice writer or an experienced one, you always will need to begin with a structured strategy. You develop into a contributor rather than a consumer. New Step by Step Roadmap for How to Write a Personal Essay about Yourself It is possible to write about whatever you want, but do make sure it's an excellent article. The simplest approach to specify the sort of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. So, as soon as you are sitting down to compose an essay, you will need to keep in mind that you need to express your personality there. An essay involve a great deal of thinking and self-analysis. Recall unpleasant moments that you discover very beneficial for your private improvement. Possessing a plan before starting to compose a piece is almost always a very good idea. You don't wish to waste time seeking your notes, research or buying supplies online when you may be working on a huge idea. Your project will acquire stale at some point should you do the very same thing over and over again. You've got every possibility of fulfilling somebody's dream if you may be bold enough to show up and share yourself. Deciding to write about the death or illness of a relative or pet, a close call in a vehicle, or an account of the huge game may make it simpler for you to conjure up and establish the emotions you would like to express, but you should be careful. You're able to list bits of your private life, but you should be cautious not to overshare. Be aware that personal should attempt to avoid repeating key words. There's no ideal solution about how to compose an effective essay. In fact, prior to making an order you may find a price quote on your essay. Writing a strategies and tricks' post is an excellent mixture of fun and useful. To structure an essay, you should simply follow the above mentioned format. If you discover that the writer did not provide just what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for an ideal writer for your paper. Today you can develop a thorough structure of the writing piece. The creative procedure is sometimes sloppy and disorganised.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Current Status and Impact of Health Care Reform - 1667 Words
To: Client Name From: Joseph Willis Subject: Current Status and Impact of Health Care Reform Date: 25 January 2011 The purpose of this report is to examine the current state of health care as well as the impacts that new legislation will have on the United States healthcare system. Specifically, this report will inspect the immediate and long term effects of the healthcare reform bill HR 3590 that was signed into law on March 23, 2010 as well as investment advice on the medical care industry. There are two main topics when it come to health care reform, coverage and cost control. Both sides of the debate recognize these as the eventual goal but both sides have different opinions on the procedure to achieving this goal. The†¦show more content†¦When it comes to the constitutionality of the individual mandate many of the bills supports will look to the commerce clause and seek justification for its passage. This portion of the debate is not just about health care, but instead about the scope and power of the federal government; if the courts decide that the individual mandate is constitutional and therefore grant the federal government the power to force citizens to buy a product from a private company in order to protect them , then the existence of the constitution will become negligible. Before the adoption of the constitution the states were reluctant to ratify it on the basis that they felt that it might grant too much power to the federal government to which James Madison, the writer of the constitution, wrote The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite (Federalist Papers #45). The reasoning behind the constitution is to limit the power of the federal government not to grant it the complete control over the lives of all citizens. Supporters will make an argument that people are forced to buy auto insurance and so there should be nothing stopping congress fromShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Universal Health Insurance Mandate On The Massachusetts Labor Market1372 Words  | 6 Pagesthe universal health insurance mandate in the Massachusetts labor market. Using a difference-in-differences (DID) model, this study focuses on the co-evolution of insurance coverage and labor markets. One found that under the recent legislation, workers from firms of varying sizes demonstrate different patterns with regards to o btaining insurance coverage. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Skateboard magazines reflect counter cultural ideologies Essay Example For Students
Skateboard magazines reflect counter cultural ideologies Essay Structuralism is based on saussurian linguistics, there is a distinction shown between the langue and the parole. The langue is the overall system or structure of language, its words, syntax, rules, conventions and meanings (Strinati, 1995, p90). Strinati demonstrates that the parole is determined by the langue, and is the actual manifestation of language. Therefore, this essay will try to reveal themes that illustrate whether subcultural magazines reinforce the resistance of dominant values and ideals, or promote themes related to the dominant culture. Semiotics is concerned with reconstructing the langue underlying certain types of parole (Thwaites, Davis Mules, 1994, p58). In addition a brief content analysis will be utilised to illustrate the consumerist nature of Sidewalk. Content analysis is a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Researchers quantify and analyze the presence, meanings and relationships of such words and concepts, then make inferences about the messages within the texts, the writer(s), the audience, and even the culture and time of which these are a part (Palmquist, 2005, www. writingcolostate. edu). Within the analysis of Sidewalk the results generated were of a mixed nature, as results signified that Sidewalk did produce examples of the subculture resisting the dominant values. However, the overwhelming theme among this study, lies within the promotion and embracement of capitalist values. From the outset Sidewalk establishes itself as a magazine which reflects mainstream ideologies. In a magazine which is designed to represent the subcultural image of skateboarding, what becomes evident is the surprising level of consumerism. Within the analysis, it was noticeable that comparisons could be easily drawn from subcultural magazines to dominant mainstream magazine. Firstly, the consumerist nature of Sidewalk was noticeable throughout the analysis, this was achieved through the glossy nature of the magazine, Sidewalk was produced entirely in colour, with an outstanding amount of adverts. The initial ten pages of the magazine were solely dedicated to advertisements, while within the whole magazine advertisements took up 57% (n. 81) of all space. In addition, pictures of skaters occasionally focused on close up shots, which seems to produce a more glamorous image of skateboarding, similar was found within previous work, reasons for this particular occurrence were attributed to the transformation of identity. Media culture (thus) provides resources for identity and new modes for identity in which look, style and image replaces such things as action and commitment as constitutive of identity, of who one is (Kellner, 1995, Cited in Wheaton, 2000, p269). As subcultures are in opposition to dominant values, one would expect aspects such as competition to be as Beal (1995) states de-emphasised. However, the subcultural nature of skateboarding is questioned, as rather than competing against ones self, the magazine focuses on the competition and the beating of others. A central focus within Sidewalk is attributed to the importance of competition, and extrinsic rewards. i 25,000 was on the line for each event (Ventura, 2001, p106). Furthermore, in addition to an enhanced focus paid to performance rather than participation, the analysis illustrated that the magazine generated issues typically associated with the bureaucratic nature of mainstream sport. As subcultures, essentially hold resistance to set rules, with a clear opposition to the bureaucratic nature of the dominant class, as the meaning of skating for many lies in the flexibility of self-government. However, Sidewalk gives the impression that skating possess tight systems of control. Skaters were judged on a best of run out of two, there was a good condensed format (Ventura, 2001, p106). Once again, this rejects the work of Beal (1995), who theorised that the popular practice of skateboarding does not use rules or organised contests (Beal, 1995, p263). Therefore, although the magazine itself reproduces values typically associated with capitalism, illustrating skateboarding is part of the dominant culture, within the articles of Sidewalk, the opinions of skaters resist the meanings behind the dominant sports culture. Mexicos War for Independence EssayAlthough, issues surrounding subcultures are of a complex nature, as skaters find themselves simultaneously resisting and reproducing the values of capitalism. References: Althusser, L. (1971). Ideology and the state. Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. London: New Left Books. Cited in Gelder, K. , ; Thornton, S. (1997). The Subcultures Reader. London: Routledge. Beal, B. (1995). Disqualifying the Official: An Exploration of Social Resistance through the Subculture of Skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal, 12(3), 252-267. Brohm, J, M. (1978). Sport a Prison of Measured Time. London: Ink Links. Crouch, D. , ; Tomlinson, A. (1994). Collective self-generated consumption: Leisure, space and cultural identity in late modernity. Cited in Wheaton, B. (2000). Just Do It: Consumption, Commitment and Identity in the Windsurfing Subculture. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17: 254-74. Donnelly, P. (1993). Subcultures in sport: Resilience and transformation; Cited in Beal, B. (1995). Disqualifying the Official: An Exploration of Social Resistance through the Subculture of Skateboarding. Sociology of Sport Journal, 12(3), 252-267. Featherstone, M. (1991). Consumer Culture and Postmodernism; Cited in Humphreys, D. (1997). Shreadheads go mainstream? Snowboarding and alternative youth. International Review of the Sociology of Sport, 32(2), 147-160. Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections from prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. New York: International Publishers. Guttmann, A. (1978). From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sport. New York. Guildford: Columbia University Press. Hall, S. , ; Jefferson, T. (1975). Resistance through Rituals: Youth subcultures in post-war Britain. Essex: Anchor Press Ltd. Hart, M. , ; Birrell, S. (1981). Sport in the Sociocultural Process. (3rd ED). Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C Brown Company Publishers. Hebdige, D. (1979). The Meaning of Style. London: Methuen. Heino, R. (2000). New Sports: What is so Punk about Snowboarding? Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 24 (2), 176-191. Humphreys, D. (1997). Shreadheads go mainstream? Snowboarding and alternative youth. International Review of the Sociology of Sport, 32(2), 147-160. Kellner, D. (1995). Media cultures: Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern. London ; NY: Routledge; Cited in Wheaton, B., ; Beal. B. (2003). Keeping it Real: Subcultural Media and the Discourses of Authenticity in Alternative Sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 38, 155-176. Kellner, D. (1995). Media cultures: Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern. London ; NY: Routledge; Wheaton, B. (2000). Just Do It: Consumption, Commitment and Identity in the Windsurfing Subculture. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17: 254-74. Manning, P. (1987) Semiotics ; Fieldwork. London. Newbury park. California: sage. Palmquist, M. (2005). Basic Content Analysis. http://writing. colostate. edu/references/reserach/content. (30th March 2005). Roberts, K. (1983). Youth and Leisure. London: George Allen and Unwin; Cited in Humphreys, D. (1997). Shreadheads go mainstream? Snowboarding and alternative youth. International Review of the Sociology of Sport, 32(2), 147-160. Stark, A. (2001). Chewy Cannon Haunts. Sidewalk. 60, September. Strinati, D. (1995). An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture. London. Routledge. Thwaites, T. , Davis, L. , ; Mules, W. (1994). Tools for Cultural Studies: An Introduction. Melbourne: Macmillan. Ventura, (2001). Vert Series: Summer of fun for 2001. Sidewalk. 60, September. Wheaton, B. (2000). Just Do It: Consumption, Commitment and Identity in the Windsurfing Subculture. Sociology of Sport Journal, 17: 254-74. Wheaton, B. , ; Beal. B. (2003). Keeping it Real: Subcultural Media and the Discourses of Authenticity in Alternative Sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 38, 155-176. Williams, F. S. (1997, January). Along for the ride. Womens Sports and Fitness, 19, 24-26. Cited in Heino, R. (2000). New Sports: What is so Punk about Snowboarding? Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 24 (2), 176-191.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wuthering Heights (831 words) Essay Example For Students
Wuthering Heights (831 words) Essay Wuthering HeightsCatherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living (Bronte, 163)!In this quote, Heathcliffs pain from Catherines death is obvious. Wuthering Heights is a Victorian novel regarding the lives of the Earnshaws andLintons. Through three generations, they all experience wave after wave oftragedy all originating with Heathcliffs overwhelming desire for revengeagainst the Lintons. This hatred is brought on by the treatment Heathcliffreceives from the Lintons as well as Edgar Lintons marriage to Catherine, hissoul mate. Although many passages of love are exposed in Wuthering Heights, thetrue genre of this book is tragedy due to the role of characters other thanHeathcliff, the untraditional happy ending, and the death of the heroine earlyin the story. We will write a custom essay on Wuthering Heights (831 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The role of several characters makes this novel a tragedy. Hindley,Hareton, Cathy, and Linton would be completely unneeded if this were a true lovestory. Hindley becomes Heathcliffs Nemesis from the very beginning. He iscruel and hateful towards Heathcliff. He drove him from their company to the servants, deprived him of the instructions of thecurate, and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead, compelling himto do so as hard as any other lad on the farm (Bronte, 49). Hareton is alsounessential to a love between Catherine and Heathcliff. Hareton is Hindleysson and is treated like a slave, much the way Heathcliff was treated as a boy byHindley. At one point, Heathcliff, talking to Nelly, describes what is in storefor Hareton, I know what he suffers now, for instance, exactly; it is merelya beginning of what he shall suffer, though(Bronte, 211). Hareton andCathys love does make for a reconciliation of all this tragedy. However, itis after the majority of the book and therefore does not negate the previousmisfortune. Linton is a pathetic boy who only brings disgust and general pity tothe book. Through the book, Linton is very sick. In this scene, Cathy has cometo pay him a visit, trembling, and retaining her hand as if he needed itssupport, while his large blue eyes wandered timidly over her, the hollownessround them transforming to haggard wildness the languid expression they oncepossessed (Bronte, 249). None of these characters are heroic or essential tothe love between Catherine and Heathcliff. The only possible heroic figure isHeathcliff who is evil and rotten. Furthermore, this novel does not have atraditional love story ending. Nearly the entire key characters die and mostbefore the book is halfway over. In the first half, Heathcliff and Catherine aresoul mates, yet she marries another. To the last day of her life, they argue andblame each other for their unhappiness. In their last moments together,Heathcliff berates Catherine for the pain she has caused him. I have notbroken your heart ? you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have brokenmine (Bronte, 158). True love is not selfish and does not blame. Even afterCatherine is dead, the love between Cathy and Linton is very shallow. It is nota true love story because of his apathy towards her. His lack of interest inthe subjects she stated, and his equal incapacity to contribute to herentertainment, were so obvious, that she could not conceal her disappointment(Bronte, 249). Also, Heathcliff forced them to marry. The only sense of a lovestory is at the very end when Hareton and Cathy are seen as a happy couple. But,this too was plagued by Cathys ridicule of him, Oh, you dunce (Bronte,239)! Also, this was plagued by his maltreatment of her, I was afraid for amoment, and I let one volume fall; he kicked it after me and shut us out(Bronte, 240). Even though all seems well in the end, this is not a typicalromance. .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .postImageUrl , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:hover , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:visited , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:active { border:0!important; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:active , .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43 .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u037f10ea6764840430c2d6217ec9be43:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Freedom Fighters Essay Additionally, our heroine dies early in the novel. She is consumed withbrain fever and never recovers. Her love for Heathcliff is only apparent duringthe childhood years. Selfishness and anger overwhelm any feelings of love shehas toward him as an adult. With her gone and half the book remaining, it isimpossible to continue with any type of love story between them. In fact,Heathcliff spends the rest of his life eaten with anger and anger does not breedlove. He is even angry towards Catherine because she married Edgar instead offollowing her heart. Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not oneword of comfort (Bronte, 158). Their love is, in fact a tragedy, because itis a spiritual, rather than physical love and they are only truly united aftertheir deaths. There seem to be no feelings of happiness related to any feelingsof love between Heathcliff and Catherine. Conclusively, the love that is in thisnovel is not a pure love. Everyone is full of anger, hate, and resentment. It isdifficult to classify this novel as a love story because it is not happy. It isapparent that because of the additional characters of Hindley, Hareton, Cathy,and Linton, as well as the uncommon ending, and the early death of our heroine,this novel should be classified as a tragedy.
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